[chapter: 18] Funny Story, Someone Dies

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It's been over a week of being here. Let me summarize what these last few days have brought me. I've started a new routine. Wake up at 6:30 so I could go run and train. Come back to shower then eat whatever is left. Which isn't too much. We haven't gotten any word on missions so for the rest of the day I would typically be seen reading somewhere -I'm very indecisive about where I sit. Or hanging out with the others. Later in the day I'll sprint around the track we have a few times. Before eating dinner with the others and watching a movie.

Back to the present.

I'm in my room journaling on my laptop. Mumbling along to my songs playing in the background. The others all doing their own stuff. Tony and Bruce in the labs. Clint in the vents. Thor in the kitchen with his poptarts. Natasha was probably in the gym. I felt a shift in the air from the vents but assumed it was Clint moving around.

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"Boss there seems to be someone in the vents,"FRIDAY called out.

"It's just Clint," Tony ignored FRIDAY to keep working on suit upgrades.

"Boss, Mr. Barton is in the shooting range. It appears we have an intruder," FRIDAY retorted. At this comment Tony turned around.

"Where are they heading?"

"It appears they are located above Ms. L/n's room."

"Shit. Tell the team to suit up and tell them the details." Tony put his suit on and ran towards her room. Everyone was turning towards her room as they heard a sudden bang.


And a scream. Then another gunfire. Their eyes widened and their feet ran faster. They kicked the door open To Y/n clutching her side lying against her bed, her spear laying on the floor beside her. The intruder laid unconscious on her floor. His head was bloody and bruised.

Tony rushed to her side and helped her up only for her legs to crumple under her as her eyes drifted close. He picked her up as Bruce prepared the medbay. The others observed the scene and took the intruder away.

"FRI, scan the building for any more intruders,"Tony yelled out over everyones mumbles.

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I woke up to bright lights in the medbay. I tried to sit up before wincing from unbearable pain.

"Sit back down,"Someone ordered. I turned to the door where Tony was standing."You doing okay?" He asked impatiently.

"As okay as someone who got shot at twice," I retorted and let out a light laugh that didn't hurt as much.

"Do you remember what happened?" He questioned as he took a seat next to my bed.

"I was reading in bed, I noticed a shift of air from the vents but I assumed it was Clint. I got an alert from FRIDAY about someone in the vents making their way towards me. That's when he came out of the vents and we fought. He shot at me. Right in the side. I hit him as hard as I could with my spear in the head but he got another hit in as I knocked him out. I remember seeing you all in my room then everything went dark," I finished."Were there any others? Anymore intruders?"

"No. Sorry that we got there so late. I'll update the security so no one can get in again." He rubbed his palms to his forehead before resting them on the arms of the chair.

"Hey it's not your fault that I got hit," I reached out and rubbed his forearm in comfort.

"Yeah it is. Your new I should've helped you more with training. I could have prevented this. And now you're here for the next few days," He gestured to the bed I was laying on.

"I forgot I had to stay here. If you feel so bad about it then you can make it up by helping the days go by faster. I'm going to be really bored if I can't get out of this fucking bed."


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