[chapter: 27] Snakes

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Thor's birthday was coming close and everyone decided on celebrating it at the tower after a trip to Asgard. I was thinking of possible gifts but none of them would work. Tony was getting him some alcohol he modified. Clint was getting him poptarts, Bruce was giving him a phone. For some reason. Natasha and Steve were still trying to find gifts as well. I let out a sigh as I realized I had to turn to Loki for some help.

"Hey Loki?"

"Yes, what do you need." He didn't look up from his book.

"I, uh-"

"Hurry up, please," He kept his voice monotone.

"I was wondering if you have any ideas of what Thor likes other than pop tarts and his hammer?" I looked down out of embarrassment.

"Snakes. He adores them," He said with a growing smirk.

"This has a story with it doesn't it?" My interest peaked, I'm always in the mood for a good story.

"Why yes it does," He began before turning to me, "See when we were children I transformed into a snake- as I said he adores them- so he picked me up. Admiring me. As I should be. Then I turned back into my handsome self and stabbed him. It was a silly little game a child would play."

"Quite violent but I don't doubt your story. Did you stab him often?"

"Yes, and still do. It's the only brotherly thing I do with him. Besides accompanying him to the tower."

"I have an idea, I think you may like it..." I said.

Everyone gathered around the common room to celebrate the festivities. Thor opened some gifts from everyone. I was the last one. I had told him prior my gift was quite special. What he didn't know was that the Loki sitting on the couch next to him was a mere illusion and that Loki had indeed transformed into a snake-again. Ready to stab him before I give him his actual gift. A snake plush.

Thor pushes his gifts to the side, making room on his lap for mine. He puts the box on his lap, opening the lid to find what he believes is a snake. He holds Loki up with pride. A wide smile on his face.

"Oh hell no- there is no reptiles allowed in my tower!" Tony stands up.

"I wouldn't worry about it..." I smirk.


"Mblerg- It's me!"Loki yells as he swipes his dagger across Thor's chest. Leaving only a scar. Loki's gift to thor was "not stabbing him" he told me a few days ago.

"If Loki's there then wha-?" The illusion disappeared as Clint shouted his question out.

"Here's your actual gift, thor," I passed him a secret box behind the couch I was sat in. He opens it carefully to find a snake plush.

"I will cherish this forever, thank you Lady Y/n." 

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