[chapter: 21] Father

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A/N: Hello everyone! It's Ray! I wanted to thank you for over 600 views on my book! I'm incredibly thankful, enjoy my story! 


If he spent a fraction of his time with me then he would know. He Would know better than to believe that I am spending my days being lazy, doing nothing with my life when in reality I'm risking it! If only he tried to be a father instead of acting like he's still in his 20's living at his parents house. He-

"You okay N/n?" A voice calls out from the entrance of the gym.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine Clint," I continued punching the bag around.

"You sure?"

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped. "Sorry, just. Angry."

"I get it, you need to talk about it? Or some company?"

"Yeah, I guess," I start removing the wraps from my hands and stuffing them into my gym bag. "Um- it's my dad. He isn't much of a dad. He never really looked after me, just let me run wild and do what I want. Get mad at me when my mom would mention my slip ups but he had never cared prior. What I'm getting at is that he's an asshole and thinks I'm wasting my life away doing nothing. Note to self he's a hypocrite." Clint stared at me a bit before composing a sentence or two.

"What did he do?" He asks as I start packing my gym stuff up.

"He compared me to an old friend of mine, one that he probably knows better than his own daughter."

"Well he is definitely missing out. You're doing a lot with your life, you're pushing yourself daily and doing things so many people will never experience. Your fucking avenger." He took my hands in his own, kissing them lightly.

"Thanks a lot Clint," I sighed out,"I just needed to vent and you're always here to listen. I'm lucky to have you in my life." He holds me close to his chest, kissing my forehead lightly. We sway side to side. Just holding each other like nothing else matters anymore.

"No problem sweetheart, I'll always be here for you. No matter what."


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