Reviving Sammy

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>>>Y/N's POV<<<

I stood in utter horror as I watched the Ink Demon plunge his sharp, inky claws into Sammy's heart. The demon watched as Sammy's lifeless body collapsed to the floor. He then lifted his head to look at me, his grin widening. "He said I couldn't harm you. He never said I couldn't harm him. You better hurry, if you want to save him in time. Let's hope you're a decent artist." He said and limped away.

I looked down at Sammy, his body now oozing with ink. "I have to get him to the machine. And fast." I said, pushing my sleeves up and lifting the ink man's body. "Come on, we can do this Sammy." I said, grunting at his surprising weight. I dragged him with me, leaving a noticable ink trail behind me.

I managed to drag him to the lift, "Now how the hell am I going to be able to reach the machine?" I asked. I heard banging from above the lift. I took several steps back, almost tripping over Sammy's limp legs. "Who's there!?" I shouted. A wolf with a metal arm burst through the roof of the lift along with a young woman wielding a machete.

The woman smiled, "Hi there. My name is Allison Angel. And this here is Tom." She said, introducing me to them. I waved sheepishly, "Hi." Tom pointed to Sammy. "Oh! Yeah I need to get him to the Ink Machine so I can fix him up. Turn him back into a human maybe." I explained.

Allison and Tom shared a knowing glance. "Sammy? As in Sammy Lawrence?" Allison asked. I nodded. She tapped her chin thoughtfully before speaking again, "We'll help you. Tom can pull the wires for the lift all the way up to where the machine is and I'll help you with drawing Sammy's new form." She said.

I smiled, "Thank you! But, why? You barely know me." Allison giggled, "Quite the contrary my dear. We've met once before. But, that's a different story for a different day. For now let's get Sammy back to rights." She said and nodded towards Tom. He ran back into the lift and super jumped through the hole he made and stood on the roof.

Allison looked back at me, "Ready?" I nodded, "Ready." I said as Allison and I ran into the lift. "Alright Tom! Pull!" Allison shouted, and the lift slowly made it's way upwards. "Can Tom handle that kind of labor?" I asked, worried about the wolf. Allison nodded, "He may not look it right now, but Tom is a very strong man." She said.

I looked at her questioningly, "Are you two a thing?" I asked. She nodded, "Yes. Tom and I have been married for who knows how long. We've been through so much, I miss those days. Every day, Tom and I are running from danger. I wish we could run towards it, like we used to." She said somberly. "I hate the fact that we stand no apparent chance against the Ink Demon. I want to fight back. So does Tom, and yet....." She let out a heavy sigh.

I patted her shoulder reassuringly, "Things will get better sooner or later for you guys." I said. She gave me a half smile, "Thank you. I hope it does." She said. As we finished our chat, the lift dropped slightly. "Tom!? You ok?" Allison yelled, climbing up to check on him.

She didn't come back down and the lift began moving again. "I'm helping him. You just relax for now. We've got this." Allison said. I smiled and set Sammy's inky form down on the floor. I leaned against him and slowly let the rocking of the lift put me to sleep.

>>>Ink Demon's POV<<<

I sat and watched as the wolf and the angel pulled the lift upwards. I sighed, "I'm bored.... Now that Sammy's dead. I don't have anyone to really talk to." I complained.

Then I had a wild idea pop into my head, a mischievous grin making it's way across my face. "Why do we have some fun? A few jump scares maybe? Or should I have something tragic happen? Oh! I'll deconstruct the machine and have them put it back to right. By the time they get that done, Sammy will be no more." I
sighed happily.

I flopped backwards onto my throne, "No more calls from that blasted prophet, begging me to do the impossible. No more singing! Peace and quiet, just what I like." I paused for a moment. "But what about Sammy's little friend? Hmmmm..... Maybe, she'd like to be my new prophet? She does seem less annoying. She could do so much for me. Maybe even assist in the capture of Henry." I pondered this for a moment.

Then I came to my conclusion, "That's what I'll do then. I will make her my new prophet. But, first..... The machine." I whispered and slinked away through a portal.


Welp as always,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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Until next chapter my young readers!❤️

Peace ✌️

- Crystal Z

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