The Beginning Of The End Prt. 4

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>>>Allison's POV<<<

I felt like I had been running for hours. I searched every possible location. I was at my last Miracle station, hoping that there was a secret passage. And indeed I found something. Not a secret passage though.

I found Sammy's body, already half gone. "I need to get you to Tom before it's too late. And how did you even get here?" I pushed that question to the back of my mind and picked Sammy up. I began the journey back to the lift.

I was halfway there, when Jack popped up in front of me. I smiled, "Hey Jack." He gurgled in response and grabbed Sammy from me. "What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't say anything and slipped through the creases in the wood, taking Sammy with him. I smiled, "He's giving Sammy to Tom. He's such a nice guy." I said and turned back to continue my search for Y/N.

It was a tough route but, I managed to make my way to the Ink Demon's old lair. I scoured the place, hoping against hope that I'd at least find a clue as to where Y/N could be hiding. Sadly I came up empty handed. I stalked out of the demon's lair, my head hanging low. I sighed with disappointment, "Come on...... Y/N isn't that far...." I sat in front of the larger version of the Ink Machine and sulked.

I was taken by surprise slightly when Jack appeared next to me. He gurgled a few times. "Wait what!?" I asked, staring at the deformed man in astonishment. He repeated his pattern of gurgles. I smiled, "Sammy's back!?" He nodded then gurgled something else. "I see..... We still need Y/N to return him to his human self." I said.

Jack sighed, and gurgled once more. "No way! Sammy knows where she's being kept?!" He nodded, continuing his explanation. "Ah! Sammy helped build it! Ok, then can you take me to where Tom and Sammy are?" Jack gurgled and grabbed my hand, slipping away with me.

>>>Ink Demon's POV<<<

I growled as I limped back to my new lair. I didn't expect Tom to be able to fight off twenty Lost Ones and still be strong enough to inflict such an immense amount of damage. I had gashes along my left side, he sliced open my chest revealing the empty cavity where my heart should be.

Not only that he really left his mark by further damaging my ankle. When I finally made it to my hide out I was even more pissed off when I saw through my cutout vision that Allison found Sammy. And that within minutes of her finding him, Tom received the retched waste of ink.

"Wait....... Tom rebuilt the machine?! Great! What more could go wrong!?" I shouted. Karma is a bitch as they say, cause I shouldn't have said that. Allison had shown up to the party with Tom and Sammy and it looked as if Sammy had told them where I was keeping my little experiment.

"Brilliant..... This is just great." I groaned, limping off to check on Y/N and her transformation's progress. "Ok. At least something is going right for me." I smiled as I stared at the now fully inky Y/N. "Now to turn her against them..... Won't they be in for such a rude awakening, when they see how much their little Y/N has changed." I grinned.

She walked up to me and bowed. "My Lord? What are your orders?" She asked. I rubbed my hands together, my grin growing wider, "Oh I'm so glad you asked..... Kill them. The minute they walk through that door, show absolutely NO mercy." I said. "I will be at my old lair awaiting your good news." I murmured and limped through a portal.

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