The Beginning Of The End Prt. 2

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>>>Allison's POV<<<

Tom and I had finally collected the parts for the machine from our designated quadrants. Tom was busy organizing each of the parts, and I was watching the lift in wait of Y/N's return.

I was humming to myself when I heard a loud metal crash. I opened my eyes and saw a bag in front of the lift. I gasped, "That's Y/N's bag!" I exclaimed. I was even more surprised when I heard Y/N's panicked voice echo from inside the lift shaft. "Allison! Use those and build the machine! Save Sammy!" She yelled.

I rushed past the bag and looked down the shaft. No sign of Y/N anywhere. Why would just toss her bag? What happened? I rushed back to Tom and told him about my findings. He gave me a knowing glance. I nodded, "More than likely she was being chased by the Ink Demon. And it seems as if she's been captured." I said.

I yelled and punched the wall. "Damnit! We need to get Y/N back! She's the only one capable of drawing Sammy's human form." I said and Tom and I rushed back to the lift. Tom was preparing to jump when I stopped him. "Wait....... Do we even know where that demon is keeping her?" I asked. Tom sighed shaking his head in response.

I groaned in annoyance, "How the hell are we supposed to find Y/N if we don't fucking know where the Demon's keeping her!?" I shouted. Tom shrugged. I turned to face the room of the Ink Machine, and noticed something strange. Puddles. Multiple ink puddles. "Shit." Was I all I could say.

Tom heard me, and turned to stare at the same view. He growled. The next thing I knew, Searchers and Lost Ones rose from the ink and immediately targeted us. "They're trying to prevent us from repairing the machine!" I said and drew my machete. Tom reached over his shoulder to grab his ax.

I smiled, "Let's squish some ink monsters! Just like old times Tom." I said and charged at the nearest Lost One. I squished it and turned to see Tom hacking and slashing at every Searcher and Lost One in his wake. I was so distracted by my husband's impressive axmenship that I couldn't dodge the Lost One charging at me.

It grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up. It tightened it's grip, cutting off my air flow. I struggled and tried to break free from it's grasp. I couldn't hold my machete any longer and it dropped onto the ground, making a loud clattering sound. I cried as I gasped for air.

I could feel my lungs tighten, and my body slowly become weaker. The Lost One not taking a second to loosen it's grip. Then, for the first time ever, I got to hear Tom's battle cry as he charged full speed at the Lost One. He bashed his ax right through it's neck, chopping it's head clean off.

It took a bit, but the Lost One's body collapsed, releasing my neck in the process. I took a huge gulp of air and coughed. Tom crouched down and hugged me. I smiled, "Thank you Tom." I said. Tom released me, and smiled back at me. He gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

I smiled at his show of affection, Tom doesn't show it very often. Then the walls started to move. When I took a second glance at them, they weren't moving, they had veins of ink warbling on them. "Oh hell no..." I cursed. Tom wrapped his arms around me protectively. An ink portal appeared on the wall and sure as the nose on my face the Ink Demon walked through it.

He looked around for a moment before his gaze was set on us. His grin widened, "Well, well... You managed to stop my minions from killing you. How very convenient." He grimaced. "As they say, if they won't get the job done for you, you're better off doing it yourself. So, as much as it pains my heart to say this, I'm going to have to kill you now. Any last words?" He asked.

I shook in fear. Tom's throat rumbled with a deep, gutteral growl. The demon seemed to be thoroughly amused by Tom's attempt at being intimidating. "Awwww. How cute. Tom's trying so hard to be the hero. Too bad though. Y/N can't be saved. She belongs to me now. Good luck finding her, she's very well hidden." He purred.

He then proceeded to unsheath his claws and he let out a roar as he charged directly for us. Tom wasted no time and charged with his ax ready to do some damage. "Allison! Go find Y/N! I'll cover for you!" He shouted. I didn't want to leave Tom behind with the monster but, I knew had to, so I stood up and was about to make a run for it when the demon cackled.

He growled, "Nah ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Unless you want me to revive Sammy..... And not in a good way." He purred. My eyes widened in shock, "You wouldn't dare." I said, seething with anger. The demon laughed, "Oh but I would my dear. You fail to realize, I'm the immortal Ink Demon. I do what I please." He said, wiggling his horns.

I sighed, "No. I realize exactly who you are. Here's the thing, Bendy." I made sure to put emphasis on his true name. He stuck his tongue in disgust. I smirked at this, "I'm going to find Y/N, bring her back and rebuild the machine so we can revive Sammy. The right way." I said. He tilted his head back and laughed evilly.

"You both amuse me. Trying so hard to bring back one worthless being. Why? Why risk everything for someone you never really cared for in the first place?" He questioned. I smiled, "I have just the answer, because we do care. But, Sammy had turned psycho as sooon as he worshipped you. So we couldn't help him until he somehow regained his sanity." I explained.

I shook my head, "But, I shouldn't have to explain myself to the likes of you!" I shouted, "So instead of running. Tom and I will take you on." The demon lifted his ink from his face, revealing the yellow eyes underneath, they were wide with surprise, "Oh really? I'd love to see you try..... Two to one. Not fair, but I can kill you both before Y/N becomes one of us officially." He said.

Tom and I gasped. He smirked, "Oh yeah. Did I forget to mention? Y/N is going to become one with the ink. And by the time you're done battling me, Sammy will be completely gone and Y/N will be one of us, serving as my new slave." He purred. "Now. Let the games begin!" He shouted, letting his ink cover his face once more and charging at us.

I looked at Tom. He sighed, "Go. Save Y/N. I can take him, and if I don't make it...." He kissed me gently on the lips, "Know that I will always love you. I will always be right by your side. Stay safe, and get to Y/N before it's too late. Once I'm finished with this asshole, I'll begin repairing the machine immediately while trying to keep Sammy from fading." He said.

Then he pushed me out of the way and took a hit from the Ink Demon. "Go Allison! Now!" He shouted and slashed his ax across the Ink Demon's chest. I nodded, tears streaming down my face as I turned and ran for the lift, jumping down the shaft and landing safely inside the lift.

I rushed out of the lift. "Hang on Y/N. I'm on my way."


Welp as always,

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Until next chapter my young readers!❤️

Peace ✌️

- Crystal Z

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