The Beginning Of The End Prt. 7

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>>>Y/N's POV<<<

I stood up and shook my head. "Ugh. That hurt like hell..... I'm glad I didn't break anything." I said, standing up and looking up at the chasm I fell in. "Damn! That's quite a fall!" I cringed. "Weird....... Where's the Ink Demon?" I wondered.

I decided to shake the thought for now, and wandered about, trying to take in my surroundings. It was painfully difficult to see down here, I had no form of light. I used my other senses though. I could feel ink at my feet, hight was up to my ankles. I could hear ink dripping like a leaky faucet. The stench of the ink was putrid, it smelled of death and decay.

The smell was so bad it made my eyes burn. I stopped and scrunched up my nose and rubbed my burning eyes. "This must be a hidden drainage system. Either that or I found a completely different room." I murmured. My head started to hurt, the stench of the ink was starting to give me a headache.

I started to continue to explore, feeling the wall, following it and trying to keep my footing and not slip on the ink. "I hate this already. Come on brain..... I need a plan." I growled angrily at myself, I couldn't think of anything. I sighed and continued, but something felt weird. I could vaguely make out a strange presence directly in front of me.

I waited to see what said presence would do. From what I could feel, it was also waiting to see what my next move was. I smiled, "Boris?" I asked. I squinted my eyes as a bright, blinding light shown in my face. "Yes? I'm Boris. Most people call me Boris or Buddy." He smiled and turned his light away from my face.

"May I ask what you're doing all the way down here?" He asked. I smiled back, "I fell. I was running away from the Ink Demon." His eyes widened with shock, "Bendy!? He's..... He's evil again!? No. Damn it." He gasped and covered his mouth. "Sorry. Didn't mean to curse. It's just...... Bendy has been good since the last time I saw him. The fact that he changed back to his evil self..... Is strange." He frowned.

I tilted my head, confused, "What do you mean?" Boris looked at me with a knowing glance, "I think I know what happened..... Alice warned me about this. The good Alice. She told me that there was an even darker entity lurking in the shadows. He has a name, but we're not allowed to know or speak of it." He explained.

I nodded, "I see..... Well, I just lost several close friends to this Demon. My....... Friend told me I could heal him. But, I don't know the first thing about healing. Let alone where to go or how to do such a thing." I said, covering my eyes and crumpling to the ground, crying. He crouched down and patted my shoulder, "Alice and I can help. Follow me please." He said, standing up and reaching down to help me stand.

He put his index finger to his lips, "Shhh. We must take every possible precaution to stay quiet. The Ink Demon hears everything. Even all the way down here." He said, and began taking slow, small steps forward leading me to wherever he had been hiding. I followed every step he took, exactly how he did. "I found someone who can help me! Don't worry Sammy, I'm on my way." I thought, a determined look in my eyes.

>>>Ink Demon's POV<<<

I woke up, laying down, underneath the tube opening of the machine holding a small figure in my arms. I looked and noticed it was the cartoon version of myself. I raised my eyebrow and shook it. It groaned and stirred from it's slumber. "Huh?" He sat up and looked at me. I was still slightly confused by what was happening.

"Who are you?" I dared to ask. He looked me up and down before horror struck his face. "No! Get away from me. You.... You Demon!" He shouted, backing away, pinning himself to a wall. I was even more flabbergasted, "What?" I looked down at myself and realized what I had done. "Ah! I see...... Hehehehehehe...." I chuckled, I had successfully removed the entity that was holding me back.

His name, was Bendy Ink Demon. He was my counter part that held a huge amount of my power back. I grinned evilly, "My power is stronger now..... But, how much stronger? That is the question, now isn't it Bendy?" He shook his head, his small weakened figure shivering in fear. I raised my claw, focusing my ink powers and forming a compressed ball of ink.

I laughed and tossed it directly at the machine. Once the ink ball made contact, the machine stood no chance. It absorbed the ink and then expanded till it was double it's size and exploded. "Finally! My power has returned. And by the looks of it, is now 10 times as powerful." I whirled around and glared at the small Demon. "And now, your precious Y/N will be no more. I don't need a prophet, I need to take over the studio. Once that's done this world is done for. Every possible creature will be reverted to my slaves." I growled.

He put his arms over his face, in a weak attempt to protect himself. I sighed, "You're pitiful..... You're not worth killing." I stood tall and walked past him. "Who are you?" He asked. I smirked, "Who am I?! I'm a demon. As for my name, it's Zokan Bolrach. The new Demon Lord of Joey Drew Studios." I said, laughing as I began to play my little game of over powered cat and mouse.



That took a turn.

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Until next chapter my young readers!❤️

Peace ✌️

- Crystal Z

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