The Beginning Of The End Prt. 8

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>>>Zokan's POV<<<

I scoured the halls in search of Y/N. "I'm going to end her once and for all. I can't allow her to heal me and the studio. My plan will fall apart if she does." I growled. I wandered up through Level K and all the way down to Level 14. No sign of Y/N anywhere.

I growled as my ink started to bubble, "This is beginning to become extremely agitating. I'm going to find you Y/N. I'll make sure your death is slow and that you are in excruciating pain." I grumbled and continued my search.

>>>Y/N's POV<<<

I followed Boris down several different halls, twists and turns. Until we arrived at a secluded door. He turned to look at me and smiled, "Stay here for a second. I need to fill Alice in." He explained and walked inside.

After a few minutes, the door opened and I was greeted by the beaming face of Alice Angel. "Well hey there friend! Come on in. You're safe here." She said, opening the door wider so I could walk in. I smiled back at her and sat down at the table with Boris. Alice, Boris and I chatted away, enjoying the safety and the peacefulness of their hideout.

Then, the entire building began to shake. Boris' face became white as a sheet and Alice wasted no time finding a hiding spot. I had no clue what was happening and decided to hide in Boris' wardrobe. A giant Ink portal opened in the center of the room.

Who stepped out was none other than the Ink Demon, and he brought friends. My expression was one of pure terror. "S-Sammy? Tom? Allison?" I gasped, staring at the inky, deformed figures if my dead friends. "What has he down to you?" I covered my mouth and cried silently. The demon took a deep breath, as if smelling the air.

He sighed and chuckled, "Ah, the sweet smell of fear and loss. Makes tracking you so much easier..... Y/N. Do you like the new look I gave them? It was hard, but I was able to bring them back, and ten times better than what they were before." He taunted. "I know where you're hiding.... Y/N..... But first......." He slunked down to where Boris was hiding and jerked him by the ear.

"Hello...... Old friend..... I have a question..... How heart broken would you be if I killed Alice?" He asked, snapping his fingers. Alice suddenly appeared, floating behind the demon with a cloth gag and ropes restraining her wings, arms and legs. Boris growled in response. The Demon cackled, "Just the answer I was looking for. If you don't want your darling little angel to become my next sacrifice. Do me a favor..... And hand Y/N over! Do that and you and your angel can run along, unscathed." He growled.

Boris glared at him angrily, "That's a pretty compelling argument, but I'm gonna have to say no. In order to kill Alice and get your slimy claws on Y/N, you'll have to get through me!" Boris shouted, kicking the demon below the belt. The demon howled in pain, and Boris grabbed Alice and undid her bindings. "Get Y/N and get somewhere far away from here. Where the demon won't ever find either of you!" He shouted.

Alice looked back at my deformed friends. Boris understood, "I'll find a way to help them. You just need to get out of here, before he recovers! Now go!" He yelled, wrapping his arms and legs around the demon to keep him restrained for as long as physically possible.

Alice opened the wardrobe doors and grabbed me by my wrist. She spread her wings, and before you can sing the entire song of Build Our Machine, we were gone. I took one glance back, just to see the demon break free from Boris' grasp and pierce his claws through his heart.

He then slowly turned his head to face our direction, his grin spreading across his face. His voice seemed to echo within my mind, "Yes..... Keep running..... Keep hiding...... It will do you no good...... I will ALWAYS find you Y/N..... And once I do...... Nothing in the world will stop me and my reign of terror....." He said in a silky tone.

I shivered and forced my gaze to look at the back of Alice's head. "We're dead. I'm so sorry Sammy......"

Well sh*t! 😳

Zokan is a badass! (If he was a good guy)


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Peace ✌️

- Crystal Z

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