The Beginning Of The End Prt. 5

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>>>Sammy's POV<<<

Our mission in search of Y/N so far was a fruitless effort. "Allison..... You doing ok?" I asked. Ever since Tom died, Allison has been on the up and down as far as her emotional state. She nodded though her facial expression was solemn. I sighed, I knew what is was like to lose someone of sentimental importance.

Allison and I continued to search the studio. We had already cleared Heavenly Toys. Along with the main space for the studio and the Music Department. Still no luck. The Ink Demon could be alive at this point. I was on the brink of losing it. "Allison..... We need to find her. Before it's too late." I said, giving her a worried glance.

She sighed, "You're right...... Desperate times. Call for desperate measures. We need to summon the demon." She said, her expression serious. I shook my head, "I'm not summoning that monster again. If anything he'll just kill the both of us, no questions asked." I stated.

She sighed, balling her hands up into fists and raising them up into the air. "I'm aware of the risks Sammy.... But what else are we supposed to do?! We've covered every inch of this place and still have failed to locate Y/N." She shouted. I lowered my head in shame, "I know......." I sighed. She patted my back, "Please Sammy.... We have to." She said.

I nodded slowly and walked with her to an open space. Surprisingly it ended up being the animation room. "Work your voo-doo bud." She said and took several steps back. I sighed, crouched down on the ground and drew a pentagram on the floor, and began to chant. Just as we expected, ink flooded the space, about ankle deep and the Ink Demon rose from it.

He hissed and flicked his tongue at me. "Why summon me? What do you want?" He asked. I shook in fear, "My- My Lord. We require your assistance." I pleaded. He chuckled, "Oh? What kind of assistance?" I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, "We need you to call upon Y/N and change her back. Please, I beg of you." I begged, bowing all the way down till my forehead was on the floor.

He sighed, "Hmmmm.... Let me see...... Kill the both of you now or...... Help you change my slave back. That a toughy." He taunted. I stayed in my position and cried as he placed his foot on my head, pushing it down slightly. "Very well.... I'll help you. On one condition." He growled. I nodded my head, "Yes My Lord! Anything, just please spare us and fix Y/N." He purred at this, "Anything?! Anything you say? Hmmmmm...." He leaned down, I could feel his breath on my neck.

He chuckled, "I will help you..... Only if you....." I felt his foot come off of my head. I looked up and he was groaning in pain, gripping his horns and shaking his head violently. "Sammy! It's me! I'm going to help you! Y/N is in my old lair underneath my throne! Go, I'll try to hold him off." Bendy said. I smiled, "My Lord! It's you!" I exclaimed. "Yes it's me, now go! I won't be able to hold him for long. Quick before he regains control and kills all of you!" He shouted.

I smiled as I sprung up and grabbed Allison by the arm, running to go rescue Y/N. "All you need to do is remind her of who she really is. Then she'll return to her normal- Aaaaaah!" I heard Bendy scream. "Samuel Lawrence! You better run! I'm going to kill you!" I panicked and ran as fast as my inky legs would carry me.

Allison was exhausted but she managed to keep up with me. We sprinted for the lift and I released Allison so she could slice the wires. She jumped back into the lift and we began to plummet downwards. "We'll be fine just hold on." She told me, stabbing her machete into the floor of the lift. I bent down and grasped the hilt of her weapon.

"Brace for impact!" She shouted over the screech of the metal against metal as the lift continued to fall. Then, we reached the bottom, the lift crashing knocking me unconscious.

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