The Beginning Of The End Prt. 1

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>>>Ink Demon's POV<<<

I crawled through the vents all the way to the machine, using my cutout vision to keep an eye on the wolf, angel and unprepared guest. I chuckled as my grin grew wider. "Finally. I have reached the machine. Now to begin my plan." I purred.

I crawled down to the ground and stalked around the machine. My throat rumbled as I purred with anticipation. "SEARCHERS! ASSIST YOUR MASTER IN DECONSTRUCTING THE MACHINE!" I shouted. As I said this, puddles of ink appeared in the room.

Searchers and Lost Ones rose from the puddles and slowly began pulling apart the machine, hiding the most important parts so that the machine is almost impossible to repair. I began to laugh, "Everything is falling into place now." I said, watching as the gears, cogs, pipes, everything was being removed and hidden.

Then I heard the lift click into place. I growled with discontent, "They're here..... Searchers, Lost Ones, move out. We mustn't waste time. You've done what was needed, now we sit and enjoy the show as things unravel for the worst for our dear friends...." I purred, stalking back into the vents, waiting to see what happens next.

>>>Y/N's POV<<<

Tom and Allison latched the lift to a stop. "We're here Y/N! Let's get Sammy fixed up." Allison shouted, somersaulting down through the hole. She gave me a warm smile and walked through the lift's opening. I walked over to grab Sammy, but Tom landed in front of me and shook his head.

I was a tad confused, "I'm not leaving Sammy here." I said, my tone one of annoyance. Allison giggled, "No, he's telling you that he'll carry Sammy. You follow me." I lifted my head in understanding, "Ooooh! Ok." I smiled and thanked Tom before turning to see Allison frozen in place in front of the opening to the room where the machine was being held.

I was worried so I tapped Allison's shoulder gently, "You ok? Allison?" She shivered at my touch. "Y/N..... Look." She said pointing to the machine. I gasped in horror, "What in the?!" The machine was a disheveled mess! Gears and pipes were everywhere! Tom trudged up from behind us. He tapped my shoulder as he set Sammy down.

He motioned for me to move, and once I did he pulled out a wrench from his pocket and whirled it around in his hand. Allison giggled, "Are you sure Tom? It's been a while since you built the machine." Tom nodded in response and began gathering the gears, and other parts.

A deep growl rumbled from Tom's throat. Allison sighed, "We don't have enough parts..... Who could've done such a thing?" She questioned. I thought for a moment, "We should split up. We'll cover more ground and have a higher probability of finding all the parts. We have to be quick, Sammy's losing ink, and fast." I said.

Allison gave me a look of concern, "I don't know..... It is a good idea. But, we're also easy targets for the Ink Demon. If we split up, he'll be able to take us down, one by one." She said. Tom rested his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. She looked at him and nodded, "Tom seems to think we'll be fine. Bring a hearty weapon. We meet back here once every last part has been collected." She said, handing Tom and I a large bag.

She smiled, "Ok. We're ready. Some one has take Sammy with them. Otherwise....... He'll be easy prey." She shuddered. Tom raised his hand and picked Sammy back up. He walked one way, Allison hugged me and walked another. I sighed, and used the lift. I made my way down to Heavenly Toys and began my search.

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