2 Wrongs MIGHT Make A Right

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-Mia's P.O.V.-

My best friend and I were finally getting to go a Black Veil Brides concert. I was so excited, until we got there.

"I'm sorry girls, but I can't except these tickets," The security guard said.

"But its my 18th birthday, and you don't understand we have to see them." I pleaded.

"Sorry," He said and then turned his back.

"Come here Katie," I said and dragged her my best friend by her arm around to the back of the building.

"Where are we going?" "Shh" I said and kept pulling her along.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll be quiet," She said as I pulled her up to a window and openned it.

"Well, are you going to get in or not?" I asked and motioned twards the window.

"What! Are you kidding me, Mia, that's trespassing, breaking and entering, oh my god you want to break the law!!!" Katie said in disbeliefe.

"Think of it as getting what you want for a small consequence." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"You first then," Katie said.

"Fine I will then," I said. I grabbed the sides of the window, lifted my legs in, and then jumped the rest of the way in.

"Katie come on quickly," I said and then she jumped in as well.

"Help me close the window," Katie said.

"Hey do you hear that?" I whispered to Katie.

As if on que the guys of Black Veil Brides walked through the door. Katie and I froze exactly where we were.

"Um....who are you? How did you get in? And-" Jinxx was cut off by Ashley saying "Which was one is for me?" he asked with a huge smile.

"Ah...my name is Mia and this is my best friend Katie. We had tickets, but security wouldn't except them So... we climbed through your window. Sorry." I said in a rush.

Just then I heard the most glorious voice ever. None other than Andrew Dennis Biersack himself.

"Who are you?" Andy asked as he slowly walked over twards us.

"That's Katie and that's Mia they're fans," Ashley said and then moved his eyebrows up and down.

"Yeah just fans," I said dragging out the last word just as Ashley had done.

"Okay, so you wanted to see us preform so badly that you had to crawl through the window and nto our dressing room?" Andy asked suspisiously.

"Why don't you girls follow us," CC said and we followed him all of the way back stage.

"Stay. Here." The boys said and then they just ran out on stage.

The concert was amazing. They preformed 12 songs, and 2 encore sets. Afterwards was not as much fun.

"Girls, I'm sorry, but we're leaving tonight," Ashley said with a frown.

"Wait I have an idea," Jinxx yelled and smiled "What if you came on tour with us?" After that all of the boys were smiling.

"Um....why not!" Katie said and all of us jioned into a huge tight group hug.

"Well then lets get on the bus!" jake yelled and we all followed.

-10 Years Later-

10 years later Katie is now married to Ashley Purdy, and they now have 3 kids (and counting.) Katie is also a scientist working on finding a cure for cancer. Mia ended up marrying Andy and they have 1 daughter named Taylor. Mia is currently pregnant with twins. Mia is now and entertainment production manager and a part time singer with BVB and the Andy Black project. Mia and Katie have still remained best friends, and their kids love to hang out too. Mia and Katie have still gone to every single show (Mia had her daughter as BVB was touring in London.)

Both of the girls still remain best friends until the end. They have been to every show, every tour, and every life event that the boys have had. These two girls have helped all of the guys through a divorce, having kids, getting married, and even helping CC get unstuck from the storage tote that he so despriately wanted to fit into.

In the words of Andy and Ash "These girls are our saviors, if it wasn't for their crazy desire to meet us we wouldn't have had as many laughs, as many people to hold us when we cry, and we wouldn't have someone to love."

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