I Promise

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-Taylor's P.O.V.-

"I promise that I will never let you go," Andy said.

"Really you would promise all of that for me?" I asked.

"Yes I will do all of that. I pormise that I will be the best step-dad ever." He said and smiled.

My mother was married to Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides. Andy has been my step-dad for only about 3 months, bit he has been living with us for about 4 years.

"Taylor we have to get goingthe bus will be here soon!"Andy yelled up the stairs.

I ran downstairs with about 5 suitcases and 2 duffle bags.

"I'm ready to go Andy!!!" I yelled even though he was right next to me, after that we both just started laughing.

Just then we heard the bus horn. "Well I think that's our que," Andy said and helped my grab what I couldn't carry on my own.

ONce we put everything away we finally openned up the bus door to be gretted with the best group hug ever.

"Oh my gosh Taylor!! We missed you so much, believe me when Andy said that you were coming wit hus we were so excited!" Ashley said excitedly and he still wouldn't let go of me.

"Okay guys you can let go of my daughter now," Andy said and attempted to pull Ash off of me.

"Hey I am 17 years old, I think that I can handle myself." I answered back.

"Oooooh somebody's a big girl now, huh?" CC said.

"Whatever guys. I am going for a run," I announced once we arrived at the venue.

I ran for about a mile, I stopped once I reached a beach. I was exhausted I hadn't had a good long hard run in a long time and I think that this is the tour that I will do the most running.

"Do I know you?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

"Um.......I don't think so," I said.

"Oh, wait you're Andy Biersack's step-daughter, right?" The boy said.

"Yeah I am. I'm Taylor Biersack, nice to meet you," I said as I extended my hand for him to shake.

"Hi, my name is Daniel, Daniel Jonnson," He said Oh did I forget to mention how cute he was, because he was hot.

"Hey are you going to the show later?" I asked Danielalready knowing his response.

"Yeah actually I am. I was supposed to go with my girl friend but she cheated on me. Soo now I'm single again." He said and smilied like he was genuinky happy.

"Can I see your tickets?" I asked and as soon as I got them I ripped them in half.

"What the hell!!" Daniel yelled.

"Here I think that you might want these instead," I said and handed him a backstage pass and told him to come behind the venue at 6 o'clock.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I said and ran off back to the bus.

"Hey guys I'm back," I said once I got back onto the bus.

"Oh my god! Where in the hell were you?" I just about sent a fucking search party out looking for you!" Andy yelled. I started to crying, Andy has never ever everyelled at me before. I ran back to my bunk, and about 5 minutes later Andy came in and apologised.

"Oh and I gave this guy, Daniel, a backstage pass, and told him to come to the back of the venue at 6." I said and they all had shocked expressions on their faces.

"So this guy, he's a friend of yours?"CC asked.

"I met him today and he is really hot," I admitted.

-Before The Concert-6:00-

"Hey Taylor," Daniel said and we walked into a hug. "So the guys are in there, and I told them that you were coming." I said and smiled.

"So you're Daniel?" Jinxx asked as soon as we got inside. "And what are your intentions with our girl?" Jake added.

"To make her my girl," Daniel answered.

"Excuse me, with my daughter?" Andy said.

"But daddy, he's really nice, and sweet, and I love him. Didn't you feel that way when you were with my mom?" I added and I knew that I had him hear, he couldn't deny it.

"Fine...but only for you." He added finally.

"I love you," Daniel said.

"And I love you," I answered back.

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