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-Ronnie’s P.O.V.-

“Fight, fight, fight.”  That’s all anybody would ever say to me. Yes, I have been a fighter my whole life, but I want change. I really want to change, but I can’t.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my parole officer, Bill, telling me my court date. I wouldn’t listen either way, if they wanted me in jail they would have to come and get me on my own.

“Ronnie, did you hear me? You’re court date is tomorrow at 10:30am, Ronnie, don’t be late.” He said and closed the door in my face.

-Next Day-

It was 10:21am, I knew that I should be at the court house, but I didn’t care enough to get out of bed. I knew that I was going to get in trouble with the police and probably have someone look for me.

I had assisted my “Friend” with a robbery. We both got out okay. After we robbed the store we remember the security cameras, and that my license plate was in full view for the camera.

I will admit I have not had the best record in the past. I’ve commited….

6-Robberies/4-Assult Cases/1-Murder Trial/3-Abuse Cases/ 9-Domestic Violence/7-Driving Under The Influence/8-D.U.I.’s/Hiatal Offender in the 3rd Degree.

I’ve been bailed out by my record company, Epitaph Records, before. If I wasn’t bailed out by them I would I would still be in jail. I owe everything that I have to Epitaph Records. They’re my rock.

It was now 8:43pm and I heard a knock on my door followed by a voice yelling, “Ronnie, this is the police. Come out now or we will come in.”

“You can’t do that,” I yelled and they kicked open my door, so I took off out of the back door.

I had ran from bounty hunters before, but this was different. I stopped, turned around, and dropped to the ground. They had to cuff me, pull me to the car, and let me make one phone call to my girlfriend Chrissy.

-Phone Conversation (R=Ronnie and C=Chrissy)

R- “Hey I just got picked up by the bounty hunters,”

C- “Oh my gosh what happened this time?”

R- “I helped KJ with a robbery again,”

C- “I’m sorry babe, but I’ve got to go.”

R- “I love you and tell Willow that I love her.”

C- “I will and I love you too.”

-End Of Phone Conversation-

“She’s a special girl,” Said the bounty hunter, Dog.

“Yeah she’s my baby’s mama too.” I said and then we left for the jail. I knew that I have to stay at least three days before being able to be bailed out.

“How is your baby,” Dog asked.

“11 months, she is an amazing little girl.” I said.

We talked like this until we got to the jail. I couldn’t believe that I was going back.

Once we pulled up to the jail it finally set in. I was going to be a convict again. I was going to have to share a jail cell, eat horrible food, and I was going to be away from my family. It was all my fault.

“Do you have anything sharp that could hurt me with you?” The officer asked.

“No sir, In fact I don’t,” I said with a smart remark.

“Just stand still so that I can make sure.” The guard said.

“Whatever, I just need to get out of this place fast.” I yelled at the guard.

“Son, you better calm down because you’re on a rampage.” He said and walked away.

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