Book Worm

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-Andy's P.O.V.-

I am a book worm, I spend all of my time either reading or working on homework. I have now found the most interesting topic to research. GIRLS.

"Andy you will tutoring Kylie. Kylie you will show up, everyday after school until 5 o'clock." Mrs. Raine said to both of us after class.

Kylie is the most popular girl in high school. She is a senior who will graduate with everything she wants. Me on the other hand, I'm a total nerd. I would rather read a series of books, instead of going to any kind of sports rally.

"I'll meet you in the library same as usual." Kylie said.

"I'll see you there," I said. What people didn't know is that I've tuored Kylie before. She's actually really nice and fun. I've developed a cruch on her over time too.

-Kyle's P.O.V.-

I was really happyMs. Raine has Andy tutoring me again. Andy is really fun to hang out with, and he doesn't just give me the answers. Andy actually makes me think and actually use my brain. I purposely kept doing horrible, just so that Ms. Raine would let Andy tutor me again.

"Hey, excited to be tutoring me?" I asked as I pulled out a chair to the library after class.

"Something like that," Andy said and smiled.

"Good, because you do know that I kept failing on purpose right?" I asked and Andy's head shot up to meet my gaze.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked.

"I mean.... I may have a crazy uncontrolable crush on you. Actually I have always liked you, like ever since you started helping me." I said and Andy blushed and looked down.

-Andy's P.O.V.-

I was trying to process everything that Kylie had just said. It was a lot to take in considering that the most popular girl in the entire school had a huge crush on me, the book worm.

Without thinking I pulled Kylie in for a kiss. She was a pretty good kisser, I pulled away after about 10 seconds.

"I-I-I like you too," I said and blushed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I aske dher hoping that she would say yes or at least not make fun of me.

"Yes, absolutely yes!" Kylie squealed.

"Let's get out of her then." Kylie said.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked her as we got up and walked out of the library.

"Lets go to my house. Can you spend the night tonight, I mean not in that way, but yeah, can you?" Kylie asked, blushed, and ducked her head down in embarressment.

"I think that I can," I said, smiled, and pulled her to my car. We would've taken her car, but she got a ride to school.

"Wow, your house is amazing!" I said as we pulled up to her house.

"Oh, and look Quinten and his group are outside at his house." I said. Kylie grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

Once we got inside Kylie pulled out her phone and put a picture of us together with the caption 'New boyfriend and I, so happy together @Andybvb'

"I'm so happy that you like me, because I'm a total nerd and you're the queen bee senior of the entire high school." I said and she just glared at me.

"Please don't ever say that. I don't want anyone else, and besides you're not just a nerd, you're my nerd." Kylie said.

"Stop, you're making me blush." I said, trying despreately to hde my face from her.

"No way, I think that it's a adorable when you blush," Kylie said. Just then my phone went off, and Kylie took it right out of my hand.

'Congrats to one of my closest friends @Andybvb and @KylieAnne for hooking up. PLus @CCbvb you owe me $20, I called it.' -@AshleyPurdy

-Kylie's P.O.V.-

Andy was amazingand to think that I've falling in love with a book worm.

"Kylie, I-I-I love you," Andy said.

"I love you too, Andy." I said and pulled him in for a long steamy kiss.

I couldn't be happier with my bookworm.

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