Holding Hands

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-Andy’s P.O.V.-

My family was taking in a foster kid. They said his name was Kyle, they were wrong. This “guy” was not a guy. SHE was a super-hot tom-boy girl who every guy wanted.

It was her first day of school, after about 3 months my parents told her that she had to leave the house and go to school. I had the feeling that she might not be ready for school, but she assured me that she was okay and that she could handle herself.

“Hey Andy, whoa dude is that your new girlfriend?” My friend, Ashley, asked once we go to school.

“No Ashley this is Kyle, my new foster sister,” I said proudly, because Kyle was something to be proud of.

“Wait this is Kyle, like the Kyle?” He asked again.

“Yes this is the Kyle. Oh, and, this is Jake, Jinxx, and CC. Well his real name is Christian Coma but we all call him CC.” I told her. 

I could see why a lot of the guys liked her. She had a lot of confidence but yet not too much, she wears in a sense “Revealing” clothes (crop-tops and/or booty shorts), and she has a huge heart. She cares for everyone. Plus, she is fresh meet for any of the guys who have had a bad record.

“Hey you must be Kyle?” This jock Darren said.

-Kyle’s P.O.V.-

“Um, yeah, I am,” I said to the super cute guy that stood in front of me.

I love California, there are cute guys everywhere. I live with one of them, all of his friends are kind of cute, and now I have jocks hitting on me. I however had a lot feelings towards Andy, he was perfect and amazing and just perfect.

“Well my friends and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after school. Oh yeah and my name is Darren.” He said and gestured over to his friends.

I looked over at Andy and he was deep in a conversation with Jinxx and Jake about pizza toppings. “Um...Okay…sure where should I meet you?” I asked.

“Meet me at locker number 42 as soon as you’re ready.” He replied.

“Okay I’ll see you there then. Well, bye, Darren.” I said and walked to my class once the bell rang. Once I said yes to Darren he looked like a little kid on Christmas, he was so happy.

-Darren’s P.O.V.-

I was so happy when she said yes. Most of the girls here think that I’m just a player. I have been with 3 girls in 4 years. That is not that bad, I mean I may not be the most committed but I still treat them like a lady and not like a toy.

It was finally the end of the day. Just like I told her too, Kyle was standing in front of my locker. Kyle had 2 bags in her hands so like the gentleman that I am I carried her bags to my car for her.

I didn’t tell her where I was taking her, but once she saw the beach her face lit up.

-Kyle’s P.O.V.-

He was taking me to the beach! I was so excited. In the 3 months that I have lived with Andy, he still hasn’t taken me to the beach. 

After we were done at the beach it was almost 10:00p.m. Darren drove me home, opened the door for me, and he walked me up to the door.

“Goodbye Kyle,” “Bye Darren,” And then he left.

Once I was inside all five of the boys were standing there waiting impatiently.

“Who? What? When? Where? Why?” Jinxx said as soon as I was fully inside of the house.

“Darren, fun, beach, because I wanted to, and after school.” I said and walked up the stairs to my room.

-Andy’s P.O.V.-

Kyle was so perfect. Everything about her was completely priceless and amazing

“I’ll be right back guys,” I said.

“Good luck,” Jake said.

“Hey Kyle can I come in?” I asked once I was outside her door.

“Yeah go ahead,” She replied.

“Okay, well, I really…I mean will you be my girlfriend?” I asked really fast.

“On one condition,” She said.

“Anything,” I said.

“No super lovey-dovey stuff,” She said.

“Okay what do you mean?” I asked.

“I think that small stuff means more. So just like, oh I don’t know, holding hands to me means more than an intense make out session.” She said.

“Okay then, holding hands it is.” I said and I grabbed her hand.

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