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-Rose's P.O.V.-

Family: people that you're related to by blood and generally live with, most of the time they're suppossed to be there for you.

My fmaily was extremely wide spread, my father owns and operates Apple, my mother owns and operates Sony Entertainment Productions, and I am just the kid stuck in the middle that goes to a boarding school. My boarding school is in California, I'm from Miami, Florida.

I started my boarding school when I was going into the 6th grade, the earliest you can start. I am now 18 and there's only 4 more weeks of school left! Over the course the of the last 6 years I have made an array of friends.

Even though my parents are famous to the business world, I like to keep my expensive stuff to myself. I don't flaunt around with my money. My best friend ever name's Andy, some of my other friends are Ashley, CC, Jake, Jinxx, Tori, and Jade. When I started school Ashley, Andy, and Jade were the first people I made friends with.

"Roe, you ready to go?" Ashley asked me. The boys and jade started calling me that on the second day of classes. I guess that it just stuck. We are all getting ready to go to a huge party. I know that I have a lot of money but I've never beeen to a party like this before. The most popular guy in school was throwing the party.

"Yeah, I'm just doing some finishing touches to my hair." I said. That was the best part about this school, as long as the party was "undercontrol" none of us woul dget in trouble for anything.

"Dang, you just might look bettter than me," Ashley said as I walked down the stairs.

I was wearing black shorts with gold lace over top, a black leather jacket, a white loose tank top, black combat boots. Plus my makeup was just eyeliner and mascara, my hair was straightened and parted to the side with corn rows.

"Whatever," I said and shoved him a little.

"Now, if we don't get to the party soon Andy might be so mad that he won't even hang out with us." Ashley said.

"Very true but we could just call it being extremely fashionably late." I sai dand we both go tinto Ash's car and drove over to the dorm across campus.

We had to drive there because it was about 15 to get across campus, and we were both to lazy to walk.

"Heyyyy," Andy yelled once we go tinside the party.

Andy was drunk.

"Hey Andy," We both yelled over the music. Just then some unknown girl came up and grabbed Andy's arm and pulled him upstairs.

-Ashley's P.O.V.-

Roe looked very consious of everything around her. I could tell that she didn't know what to do. She may be the smartest an dmost popular girl in high school, but she said that she had never been to a party like this beofre. She's never been to any kind of party except for parties in Hollywodd, and than award ceramonies.

"Roe do you want a drink? It might help you relax a little bit." I asked her while trying to ease her nerves.

"Um, no I think that I'm fine," She replied.

"If you say so," I said and downed a shot or two.

-Rose's P.O.V.-

I was so nervous. I wanted to get ou tof there, and we have only been there for 1 hour. I wanted to leave now!

"Ash, I think that I'm going to leave." I said, not trusting my own voice.

"I will too then. Give me like 5 minutes. I promise that i'll be right back." Ash said and I went to wait outside.

"Okay, we can go now." Ashley said and showed up with all of my clostest friends.

All of them.

"Are you sure that you guys are okay with leaving all for me?" I asked, I knew that these guys were my friends, but I never expected them to actually leave the hottest party of the year.

"Of course. We woulod do anything for you." Andy said.

"Thanks guys. Now let's go." I said and locked arms with everyone.

We were walking back to the dorms because we all had drinks except for me, and Ashley won't let anyone else drive his car.

So I now have a new definition of family.

Family: The main people in your life who love you. The people who you might not alwyas like but have to put up with, but you love them anyway. The people who have your back even when you think that all hope is lost. Most of all family is the people you love and who love you just as much or more.

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