Soldier Boy

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-Sara’s P.O.V. 

My boyfriend of 3 years, Andy Biersack, was going overseas to fight for our country. Little did he know that when he gets back he will have the biggest surprise of his life.

You see I’m 8 ½ months pregnant, And left 10 days before I found out. I have been keeping in contact with his 4 best friends who are overseas with him about the surprise. Somehow all of us managed to keep the secret. 

I have to get to the airport, because their flight lands in 45 minutes. Once I go to the airport I pulled out my phone.

“Oh my god I missed you like so much,” I heard Ashley, his best friend, say and hug me along with the rest of the guys. And no Andy yet.

“Quick! Everybody hide the baby bump, Andy’s coming!” CC said and everybody stood in front of me.

“My baby, guys what the hell move out of the way, I want to hug and kiss my girlfriend.” Andy said.

“Okay, well Andy, Sara has a surprise for you. Are you ready for it?” Jinxx asked him.

Andy nodded his head and the guys moved out of the way. And froze in shock.

“Congrats man, you’re a dad,” Jake said while slapping him on the shoulder.

“Andy, I’m sorry, if you want to break up I totally understand. I’m so sorry,” I said and that’s all it took for me to break down into tears.

“Are you kidding me? I’m so not going to leave now, I’m going to be a father. I’m going to be a father.” Andy said all of this with so much pride, he was so happy.

“Andy I love you,” I said.

“I love you too,” Andy said and with that we drove back to my house where all of the other girls lived too.

All of the boys’ girlfriends live together. 1st) All of the girls wanted to help take care of me. 2nd) It made it easier on all of us if we were just together.

Jinxx/Sammi= 1st Room

Jake/Ella= 2nd Room

CC/Lauren= 3rd Room

Ashley/Chloe= 4th Room

Andy/Me= 5th Room

While the boys were gone we were setting up the baby room too. It was right next to mine and Chloe’s.

After the boys got done reuniting with their girls Ashley announced, “So I just wanted to say that I’m very sorry for Andy, because the rest of us guys are going to fuck the shit out of these girls tonight. Also, before you ask I’m not sharing.”

Everybody laughed at Ashley. “Who said that I was going to let you?” Chloe asked Ashley.

“Yeah Jinxx, Yeah Jake, Yeah CC. You guys aren’t getting anything unless Andy does too” All of the girls responded and all of the guys looked really embarrassed. 

“Um I think that we need to go the hospital like now.” I said grabbing onto Andy and looking down at the pool of water between my legs. Andy and CC picked me up. Andy was driving, Ash was in the passenger seat, CC was to the far left, Jake was on the far right, Jinxx was in the middle, and I was on Jake’s lap clenching onto him when I was contracting.

Jinxx, being the professional one, was holding my hand and trying to calm me down. Once we got inside the hospital it was again mass chaos. I think that they would’ve given Andy a shot to knock him out if he wasn’t the father.

“Excuse me my girlfriends going to have a baby!” Andy yelled at the lady at the front desk. Normally I would’ve gotten mad at him for yelling at someone like that, but right now I was in way to much pain to care.

The lady finally got me a wheel chair and pushed me to the room. Once we got into the room Andy had to change his clothes, the rest of the guys decided that it would be best to stay outside of the room.

-5 Hours Later-

“What should his name be?” Andy asked me.

“What about Carter James Biersack?” I asked and Andy’s face lit up.

“I love it,” Andy said and kissed Carter on the forehead.

“Would you two like to know his measurements?” The kind nurse asked us.

“Yes please,” Andy said kindly.

“He is 6lbs. 4oz. and 22 inches long, and has a full head of black hair.” The nurse said.

Andy walked out of the room to everyone and said, “Would you like to meet Carter James Biersack?”

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