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-Carson's P.O.V.-

I am so alone. I've always been alone. I've been legally separated from my parents ever since I was twelve. My parents were interesting people. They didn't abuse me, they never starved me, an yet never really did anything wrong. I don't self harm or starve myself either. I chose to separate from them because they were never home and they were/are dirt poor. I'm now 17 years old. I have a son named Micheal and he's 1 1/2 years old. My best friends name is Jinxx, he's been my best friend ever since I was seperated.

"Jinxx let's go or we are going to be late." I said and Jinxxgot the rest of his stuff out of his locker.

"I'm sorry that I am being prepared." He said obnousiously and kept walking forward.

"You should be sorry. I got all of the way across the school, switched my books, and changed Micheal's diaper."  I said and slapped him on the shoulder.

 "Okay, well I had to stop and talk to Andy and Ashley." He said and I frowned.

"Why do you hang out with him? I thought that you were on my side." I said.

"Hey, I'm sorry but Ashley is friends and Andy just happens to be his friend too." Jinxx said innocently.

"Jinxx, just calm down, it was just a joke." I said and pushed him into the classroom.

-After School-

"Hey Jinxx," I heard Andy say and then I saw him walk up to Jinxx.

I really didn't want to go over by Andy, but Jinxx is my only ride home. The reason I don't like Andy is simple really, Andy is Micheal's father. Andy and I dated for about 4 years, never broke up once, everybody thought that we would be the couple who woulld end up together.

Little did they know that Andy and I fought sometimes, but we would get over it because we were like the role-modle couple of the school. Anyway, Andy got me pregnent, he was super supportive throughtout the whole thing, and then once Micheal was born Andy stayed and helped for about 2 weeks, then he left to go to some other girl.

"Um.........Jinxx can we go now?" I asked once I got over to him. Jinxx and andy both looked turned to me and Andy held out his hands wanting to hold Micheal.

"Hey, so, Carson how have you been?" Andy asked me causously, me and Andy haven't really spoken since he left. It was really awkward right now.

"Um, fine, thanks for asking." I said.

"Can I hold him?" Andy asked me, Jinxx's eyes went just as wide as mine. Jinxx knew have much this was scarring me right now, and to make matters worst everybody in the school was starring at us, probaably because me and Andy haven't really talked like this in forever.

"Um.......sure." I said and even I was unsure of myself.

I handed Micheal over to Andy, and I prayed to god that Andy wouldn't drop him.

"He's so small and so little." Andy said as he smiled and played with his hands.

Andy looked so cute as he played with Micheal. It reminded me of all of the times that Andy would talk to my belly, and play with my hair, or how her would get really over protective when people would stare at me. I was barely 15 when Andy got me pregnent.

"Carson can I talk to you?" Andy asked and guestured to the side of the hall.

"Yes?" I questioned once we stepped aside, Jinxx was holding Micheal, I trusted Jinxx.

After we got fully to the side Andy kissed me with so uch passion. "Caron I want to have you back," Andy said and I stayed quiet. I was shocked, I mean Andy kissed me after 2 years, he kissed me.

Andy kissed me.

"I-I-I-I love you Andy," I said and pulled him down to my height so that I could kiss him properly.

"So it looks like everything is working out okay over there then. I'll just take Micheal home to my house then, just to give you two the night off. Remember, Biersack, use protection tonight." Jinxx yelled from across the hall, causing all of us to blush. I was just glad that we wwere the only people left in the hallway. All of the people that were starring at us had left earlier.

"Thanks Jinxx, and don't worry I won't forget this time." Andy said, grabbed my hand, and we walked outside to his car. I remember this, it was just like our first date.

"So what do you want to do, because normally I'm all alone with Micheal." I sad as we drove to Andy's house.

Once we got to Andy's we ate and just layed down on the couch and watched Batman until it was about 11:00 when I fell asleep.

-Andy's P.O.V.-

Carson was just so perfecct in every way. Her smile was straight, her tatoos were amazingly hot, and she has such a kind and nice personality.

"You're never  going to be alone." I said as I picked her up and laid her on my bed. Then I kissed her forhead. My babies were back.

I had to be the luckiest guy in the world, I had my son back, I have my girl back, and I still have amazing friends.

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