Chapter 1

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"You got this Octavio... You got this." I paced back and forth talking to myself to try and further grow my ever dwindling confidence. "First game back... first time seeing everyone other than Ajay and Anita for ages.. you got this."

'All Legends to the dropship.'

The moment had come, which I had panicked about the most. I left it a little late and ran to the jumpship, hoping to avoid the glances and glares from the others.

Elliot caught me and looked me up and down, "you've been in better shape.." he said numbly and I shook it off, "but I'm ready for the arena compadre!"

Solos today, meaning I would be on my own against 12 other people. I dropped at Skull salvage and saw another Two people who landed with me, I had no idea who they were. I grabbed a body shield, level Two and a wingman with a skullpiecer, good early game load out, you got this Octavio. I thought to myself slowly as I exited the building to see a lone Mirage decoy in front of me, "Okay, how do you wanna do this Compadre? You gonna come out or am I gonna have to find ya?" I shouted out to see if Elliot was still around, a shot hit the steps behind me and I ducked to cover.

A few more shots hit the ground next to me, then another gun started shooting as I heard a gunfight break out in front of me. I peaked my head over to see Elliot fighting.. Natalie, I thought to myself, I hadn't seen her since I had left, since we decided to 'Take A Break' as she called it. I peaked over and shot Mirage in the head, eliminated, I thought, as I aimed my gun at Natalie. She looked back at me and shot her gun at the ground, her mag was empty, I didn't think I could bring myself to do it. 'I can't do it.. I can't kill you.' I yelled, she looked at me and smiled, 'Thank you, but, I want to win.' She said as she pulled out a secondary R99 and eliminated me.

I woke up, after being respawned and led to the dropship to go home, she won. I sighed and got on the ship and looked around, everyone had their own conversations and I was just here, on my own. I lay down on the bench I was sat on and slowly drifted off to sleep as we flew back to headquarters, as I finally drifted off, I saw eyes locked on me. Everyone was looking at me, even Revenant, and I slowly got up. "You alright, brotha?" I heard Makoa say towards me, I nodded and continued looking around, watching the eyes that were beaming into each inch of my skin. I hated being watched like a hawk, unless it was stunts and daredevil stuff that was getting the attention.

Slowly everyone's glances faded and I was sat on my own staring out of the opposite window, looking at the speed we were travelling. I felt a hand press hard on my shoulder, a tight squeeze, and I looked towards the source of the hand. BloodHound stood over me, a towering being, they looked at me for a second before speaking, "I believe you need to know this, as much as all other legends. We have a vacation soon. You are invited even though you have already been off for a time period." They said with a thick accent behind them, I couldn't help but appreciate BloodHound for the gesture, "Thanks, Hound," I said and they nodded, returning to the wall they lent against.

We landed, all the legends flooded out of the confined space of the dropship and walked through the crowds into the Headquarters. I got pulled by one of the reporters and she started questioning me if I was at my peak performance. I answered her questions and shrugged her off as just an employee for someone high up. I entered the building and instantly went to my room, to check if I had left a mess from when I had rushed to unpack this morning.

My room looked good enough, for my standard, so I decided to crash into my bed. I lay looking at the ceiling for at least an hour, thinking about the time I had taken off and how I kind of regretted it. Although my back had needed it, it proved weakness to my competitors and the other legends, and it made them think I left because of our breakup. I heard a knock at my door and jumped up, half shocked and half happy that someone wanted to talk to me. 'Come in,' I said through the door as Crypto walked in and sat down at the chair near my desk setup. 'Hello, Octavio, how are you feeling?' He said as he looked at my computer and TV linkup, he started messing with the back of them and grabbed the HDMI port and hooked it to his drone. 'I'm good compadre, what are you doing there?' I said to him as he started messing with the drone controls which were now controlling my TV. 'Look, I feel like you are the best to talk to about this. I can't talk to Elliot as he is too.. desperate to know information about me.' He said abruptly, as he showed a encrypted voice line on my TV, at the moment he did this, there was another knock on the door. 'Come in,' Crypto said as my door opened, two people walked in, one was Ajay, and the other.. Natalie.

'I need you three to trust me, don't tell anyone, please, I need help.' He said, as he played the voice on the TV, I listened closely as the voice sounded quiet on my TV. 'Tae, it's me. Be careful, he's watching you.'

We all stood in shock towards Crypto, he stood for a second and then went to speak, however no words fell out, then he tried again. 'My real name.. is Tae-Joon Park, me and my non-biological sister were investigating the Syndicate and the games as we discovered a game changing device which could predict and set who won and how. They kidnapped her, and I had to run, they found out about us finding it. We were going to store it on a USB.' We stood and looked at him, he stood silent, until I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, 'No need to worry compadre, we got your back, you can trust us.' I said and he smiled lightly at me.

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