Chapter 12 (Ending)

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The faces of all the legends looked to each other, no one had an ounce of hope. They even caught Renee, who was sat with a few slashes in her cheek. 'What do you want with us?' I heard Caustic ask, he looked more annoyed than usual.

'Nothing much, just the location of Mrs Andrade,'

'We don't know where she is, like any of us would care for her anyway.'

'That's where we believe your wrong, Mr Nox.' Caustic shot his head up as he heard his last name called, he then remained quiet. The looks turned from hopeless to grim, no one had any confidence in survival.

'Surely someone knows where she is, how about we give you some, inspiration.' The male on the left said as he pulled out a gun and put it against Octavio's head, who still had a sack on.

'You have Five seconds, Five.. Four.. Three.. Two..'

'I KNOW WHERE SHE IS! SHES WITH JAIME, THATS ALL WE KNOW!' I pleaded as I wept, they just turned and laughed, clicking the handle of the wingman. We then turned as two more men walked in, then a third behind, being led with a sack on their head. Behind him was a tall, slim man, blue and navy checkered jeans and...

'MICHAEL?!' I yelled as I looked to the man who was in front of the last goddess figure. He pulled the sack off to reveal Jaime, he sat with a long face as he looked at the other people in the room. 'They got all of you, except Loba.. and Revenant.'

'No, I'm here, I'm behind you.' I heard Revenant still being ominous despite being completely tied up.

'Where's Loba, Jaime?!' I heard Anita command him to tell us, and he just sighed. 'She ran when they grabbed me,' he said with a grim expression. We then all looked at each other, then to the man who now stood looked at Octavio, gun in hand, grabbing the sack.

He pulled the sack off as he waved the gun in his face, waiting for a reaction that I hoped he wouldn't get.

'Not phasing you enough? I thought the adrenaline junkie wouldn't crack, let's give him something to panic about.'

He turned and grabbed Jaime, bringing him to be in front of Octavio and bringing him to his knees.

'Tell us where Loba is.'

'I don't know Amig..'


'I don't know, I don't like the chica, she's loco!'

'ONE.. TWO.. THREE!' He pulled the trigger, as Jaime's blood squirted over Octavio's face and body, we all looked at each other, terrified.

'Now, who else needs to be shot?!'

'SHES GONE AFTER THE SIMULACRUMS SOURCE CODE!' I yelled, out of fear for Octavio's life.

'Oh, that's nice, is that true, Revenant?' He asked and Rev just grunted, he then nodded, looking at the wingman as he fiddled with it, he then started clearing all of his men out of the room.

Once they were all gun, he tossed a knife in front of Anita.

'Just cause I don't want you all to do, however.' He said as he turned and shot Octavio's twice in the chest. 'NO!' I yelled as I tried to get up, but Anita was a step ahead as she had already cut her hands free and started to cut Che's free.

'Someone help him... please someone help him..' I begged as Anita cut the bindings to all of us off, she finished mine and I ran over to Octavio, who was coughing and wheezing.

'Senorita...' was all he could get out, I grabbed his hand as Che tried to call for doc, but her remote was broken.

'Octavio.. I'm so sorry.. I wasn't honest with you..'

'Senorita.. shhh... just.. remember I.. love you..'

He squeezed out as he gasped for air, I cried into him as he tried to talk, but I put my finger to his lips.

'I love you too, Octavio.. I'm sorry..' I wept into him as everyone gathered around.

Anita stood with a grim look on her face as she saluted him.

Che stood, heartbroken as she looked on, loosing her best friend.

Tae looked on in dismay, not being able to believe what just happened.

Makoa stood, silently tearing up, not even the big guy could bring a cheery atmosphere.

Nox stood looking angry, not at Octavio, but at Michael.

The others looked on in shock.

'I promise we will find who did this... and put them down.'

'Senorita... don't say... that...'

'She's right, we all will Octane.'

I kissed his forehead as he started to cry, he was in a pain unlike any we had experienced as he clinged to life.

We all looked on, I held him as he took his last breath.

I took a step back and wept... I lost my Octavio... forever.

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