Chapter 2

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We stood for a few moments, I barely made eye contact with anyone beside Tae. Ajay could feel the awkwardness within the room between me and Natalie, Tae went to leave but stopped as he rested his hand on the doorknob. "The game, today, that's when she made contact. We need to keep an eye out, messages, encryption through my drone, anything." He said, and we nodded, he left and so did Ajay, leaving me and Natalie. I lay down on my bed and propped myself up on the pillow, looking confused and cautiously at her. "You don't have to stay in here compadre, meetings over." I said and she just blankly stared at me, then she sat down on the corner of my room on the green, cushioned chair that I kept. "I hate the awkwardness, Octavio." She said suddenly, to my surprise she sat looking at me for a response, I sighed slightly, and got up. "So do I, but nothing we can do hermana. I'm going to take a shower, you know where the door in senorita."

I started the shower up as I got undressed, looking at myself in the mirror, I got in and started washing my upper body. Slowly, I felt the water drip down my back from my hair, the green dye I had in it slowly fading away to reveal my original brown hair. I got out abruptly as I had enough of the feelings I had in there, and went out to get dressed.

I saw that Natalie had left, she had closed the door behind her, which was good as I had to get dressed into something semi-casual to go out and celebrate her win. I threw on a green shirt and some cargo shorts and went into the lounge area, to see Crypto.. Tae sat on the couch, messing with the hardwire chip in the back of his drone. I went and sat across from him, he slowly registered me and smiled, then went straight back to his drone. I noticed a door open and close in the distance, and Revenant walked down the hallway slowly. He looked over at me and nodded his head, "Well, the robotic skinsuit finally showed up. How cute." He said as he walked out of the lounge and out of the complex, Loba quickly ran into the lounge and went into the fridge. "You alright, Amiga?" I said from behind her as she steadied herself up and turned, looking at me. "Ah yes, just packing for tomorrow," she said, and then it hit me, the vacation was tomorrow. I sat back down over by Tae and looked at him, he focused on his drone even harder, and I clicked my fingers at him. "What is it? I'm busy." He said with sudden harshness, I got taken aback and he apologised, "Have you packed yet?" I asked him and he nodded, "I have been packed for a week, I don't take much, always ready." He said and I looked at him funny, "Ready for what?" "To run."

I stood and headed back to my room, grabbing my suitcase and packing all of the stuff I had unpacked earlier that day. It was approaching the nighttime, which was when we were going out to celebrate Natalies victory, I had to admit the way she won was impressive. Setting a fence across the way, then waiting for the perfect moment to eliminate Lifeline and win. Once I finished, I walked out and back to the lounge area where Crypto was sat, waiting for everyone else to be ready, he wore a nice suit which collectively fitted him well. Everyone slowly gathered, even Revenant had made a slight effort, by wearing a black loin cloth and a red bow tie.

We started to head out, slowly moving in a group, with Natalie and Che leading, me and Tae with Revenant and Makoa were at the back. Me and Tae were talking about the way we were going to monitor his drone frequency, when Revenant put a hand on Tae's shoulder. "It really is easy to hack that thing. Trust me, I've done it." He said, ominously and almost as if he was trying to give us a tip, we brushed it off as him trying to scare us, but I kept it in the back of my head. We slowly arrived at the place where Natalie wanted to eat, and got seated in our own area of the place, a select Thirteen person table. We ordered drinks first, and I needed something good, so a red bull and vodka was suited for the evening for me. Once they had done the drinks, they took food orders and such, me and Tae were seated next to each other, with Natalie next to him at the head of the table and Che across from Tae. Next to Che day Renee, then Mirage, then Loba, then Makoa, the other head of the table was Revenant, then next to me sat Anita, Bloodhound beside her and finally Caustic between Revenant and Bloodhound. I payed barely any attention to anyone bar Tae and Che, who both seemed focused on the messages being projected by Hack.

Once we had finished eating, the focus went from Natalies win to rumours of a new legend joining soon, and then to the vacation. I was excited for the vacation, a chance to hang with each other in a non-work life fashion, could be fun. There was some speculation on the resort we'd be staying at, however I only knew one thing about it, lots of island to explore means lots of running, and lots of pools means lots of swimming.

We got up and went splits on the bill for the meal, except Natalie as she didn't have to pay. Then we walked back to the Headquarters and up to the complex of our rooms, some of us went straight to their beds to rest, and some stayed in the lounge.

I sat next to Revenant, who was much friendlier, if that is how you could say it, towards me since what happened between me and Natalie. He talked to me about his plans for the vacation, most included killing people, which we all knew wasn't allowed, obviously.

Slowly, the night crawled it's way to midnight, which was around the time I decided to go to bed. I went to my room, leaving Revenant and Tae alone, and got undressed. When I realised  that tomorrow was the day we would leave for the Vacation Destination, I sighed, 'you would be able to enjoy this vacation with her, if you weren't such an idiot.' I thought to myself, as I shut my eyes.

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