Chapter 8

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(Wattson POV)

I sat in the reception area of the hotel, cocktail in hand, with Renee and Elliot sat in front of me. They were talking to each other as I sat silently in front of me, 'So anyway, Nat, what do you want to do? We still have a week.' Elliot said towards me as I looked up, half shocked they had even took notice of me, 'I don't know, the water looks nice, maybe we should all go out for a meal or something.' I suggested, and Elliot smiled at me, 'That's a great idea, we're doing it tonight.' He said, and I smiled, then got up and went over to the bar, where Makoa sat with Ajay, 'We're going out tonight, in about an hour!' I said excitedly and they smiled at me, I then went and told all the Legends until only Loba and Octavio were left, I left Elliot to tell them and headed off to my room.

'You skinbags should really lock your doors.' Revenant said as he crept out of the corner of my room to reveal himself, I gasped and slowly backed away as he let out a slow and deep chuckle. 'I'm not here to hurt you, physically, but you most be jealous of Loba. She gets dead old Octavio Silva all to herself.' He seemed to want to push my buttons, and it worked as I looked towards him with sinister eyes. 'I don't care, Simulacrum, Leave me alone.' I stated back and he only seemed to laugh at me, 'I guess I'll see you at our meal.' He boomed as he went back into the shadows.

I changed into my dress and exited my room, taking the elevator down into the lobby, I saw Makoa and Ajay with Tae already good to go. Elliot and Renee weren't far behind me, then Loba arrived in the lobby, she wore a red dress similar to the one Ajay wore. 'Octavio won't be joining us, he has important things to assess.' She said as she walked over, everyone nodded except me, who stepped forward to confront her. 'Why isn't he coming? Have you done something to him?!' I questioned sporadically, and she just laughed, 'Relax beautiful, we all know your protective but he's your ex. He can do what he wants, and no I haven't.' She said in my face as she brushed past me, I couldn't handle it anymore, I grabbed her arm and slapped her harshly, then, regretted it instantly as I walked off, tears falling down my cheek.'

(Octane POV)

I ran down the stairs in my shorts and T-shirt, I didn't want to dress fancy for this but I still made somewhat of an effort. I got to the bottom as I saw Natalie walking toward the elevator with tears down her cheek, I quickly followed as I ran to catch up.

'Natalie, what's wrong hermana?' I asked as I grabbed her arm to stop her walking, she simply looked at me as she let tears fall from her eyes. 'I slapped Loba, you should make sure she is okay, after all you care more for her than me.' She said towards me as she went to walk off, but I stopped her, 'Nat.. you know as well as I do that isn't true.' I said as she cried, I pulled her into me as she did, and I let her cry on my shoulder.

A few moments passed as she stopped crying, then looked at me and adjusted herself, making sure she didn't have crying marks around her eyes, which she did. I looked behind her and saw Makoa coming over with Caustic, 'Oh Brotha you beat us here! Is she okay?' Makoa asked as Caustic sighed, 'Ill take it from here Octavio,' he said as he talked to Natalie and lead her away, I looked to Makoa who just shrugged, 'He hasn't liked you since you and Nat broke up, don't mess with a girls father figure Brotha!' He said as we walked towards the rest of the group. Loba stood in front of everyone as she tried reasoning that it wasn't her fault, I stood silent and listened to what was happening.

'It wasn't my fault she slapped me!' Loba stated.

'But you did provoke her!' Anita snapped back with.

'How was I supposed to know she still had a soft spot for what isn't hers?!' Loba snapped back at Anita with force behind her voice.

'Because Octavio isn't anyone property, he's a free man!' Ajay chimed in with.

'Ay, compadres, what was that I just heard about me being a free man?' I chimed in with as they all spun around to look at me, I looked back with anger in my eyes.

'Oh I was just telling ya new pal Loba that ya a free man.' Ajay told me as I looked at her with annoyance, then to Loba with anger.

'I'm not yours. I'm no ones! Just because me and Natalie broke up doesn't mean you get to step in and try take over her position Amiga.' I stated as I brushed past Loba and out the door, being closely pursued by Anita and Makoa. I couldn't believe Loba, how she decided to make it seem like me and her were actually together. 'Hey brotha, slow down!' Makoa said as I turned around with an annoyed sigh, which he responded with one of his own. 'Loba was bang out of order Brotha, but you don't have to go!' He said and I just shrugged, 'I want time to think, Amigo, I'll be back.' I said, knowing I wouldn't be until morning.

I ran along the cliff side and up to the top, not slowing down for anything or anyone. I got to the top and looked upon a vast open space of sea and a beautiful sunset in the distance, I sat and looked upon it with eyes full of wonder and upset. I slowly gathered my thoughts as I looked back on the memories I had throughout the time me and Nat were together and how I had new ones to make. I didn't want to move on, but deep down I knew after what happened we couldn't be together anymore.

I knew that it would break us up, in the end, her going with Loba and helping her with the artefact. I knew her leaving randomly would break me, but nothing prepared me for how much it did. I sat looking across a vast city around the headquarters as I sat on the roof, Loba next to me and Che on the other side. We talked about what happened, how me and Natalie has a freak fight that ended up being our break up.

'I knew we wouldn't last forever, but damn amigas, I didn't want it to end like that.' I told them, and they both tried comforting me, but Loba seemed more comforting than Che. 'Hey Che, my parents called, I might go see them. Take a break from the games for a little bit,' I told her, and she nodded, telling me it was a good idea.

I sat remembering the day like it was yesterday, the argument, the fight, Revenant cheering us on as we fought against each other verbally. I started to tear up but pushed my feelings away in my head as I lay down and started slowly fading off to sleep, my last thoughts of what Loba had done.

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