Chapter 9

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I awoke ok the cliff side I had slept on, the sun scorching over me as I looked at my phone for the time, 10:27AM, I thought as I realised Makoa would be worrying about where I was. I started to jog back to the hotel, getting stopped on the way by some locals asking for either autographs or for my signature catchphrase. I obliged for all of them and when I made it to the hotel it had been a good Half An Hour, Makoa was stood in the lobby with Che and BH. 'Ah Brotha! There you are.' He beckoned me over as he started talking to me about my night.

We sat and talked for a while, Makoa even grabbed me something to eat whilst we talked. I looked behind BH and saw Loba walking out of the lobby with Jaime, they looked like they meant business. I didn't care, and got up, going towards the elevator as I wanted to shower and dress to impress. Elliot text me, wanna hit the bar later? Me, you and Renee? I replied with a simple yes and went into the shower as I walked into my room.

I met Renee and Elliot in the reception of the hotel, they were all over each other until they noticed me, stood, waiting for them. 'Ah Octavio, come on, we've invited a few more who are meeting us at the bar.' Elliot said as he grabbed me under his arm and walked with me, in front of Renee.

Once we got to the bar, I saw Alexander and Natalie stood there, drinking some cocktails and waiting for us. I sat on the barstool and got myself a random drink as all the names were a foreign language, I knew that tonight I would have to talk to one of them about the announcement, where we were going with the games. Elliot would be my best bet, so I sat talking to him for a while until it flowed into the conversation.

'What was the announcement about Compadre?' I asked him, and he sat smiling, 'You dont know? We're going to Olympus!' He said, and my face dropped and I went a bright white, he looked at me in shock for a few seconds. 'Compadre, you need to stop pranking me like that.' I said sternly and he shook his head, 'I'm not, why?' He stated, and I looked at him with a scared expression. I pulled him aside and dragged him out of the bar, awarding some weird looks from passersby and patrions to the bar.

'Look, you know how me and Loba went somewhere for like a day Amigo?' I asked, and he looked at me and flashed his eyebrows up, which awarded him a slap around the face from me. 'Take this serious compadre, her friend came to her with a head, of some sort. She took me to Kings Canyon, one of the newly risen bunkers? Yeah, I'm the one near Slum Lakes, there was a body. We attached the head.'

The memories came back, flashbacks to the body spazzing and flailing around as it mentioned Olympus. 'It spazzed, it spoke Elliot, it said "Welcome. To Olympus." I'm scared Elliot, honestly Compadre, why does it want us to go to Olympus and why are the games going there Amigo?' He grabbed me and hugged me as he shushed me, 'Octavio, it's okay, whatever happens, all the legends have your back.' I smiled at him as he let me go, then we went back in, earning a few stares from the group.

'What was that about?' Renee asked, and Elliot sighed, knowing she would know if he lied. 'Nothing, just, nothing.' He said, and I smiled at him, then proceeded to talk to them as I tried my best to settle my nerves about Natalie being here.

'Octavio?' I heard a voice, so high and innocent behind me. I turned to see Natalie behind me, her eyes darting around mine as she looked at me. 'Senorita, your drunk, aren't you?' I said and she nodded confidently, and then she sat down next to me and slumped onto the bar. I looked to Alexander who facepalmed, and then came over to her. 'Ms Paquette, would you like assistance to your room?' He said, offering to take her back to the hotel, and she accepted. I watched them walk away, and couldn't resist but go with them.

'Hey Alexander, ill take her from here, go enjoy your evening amigo.' I said as I caught up as they were going into the hotel. He sighed and left, then it was just me and Nat, which wasn't good. 'Octavio, take me to your room?' She said, and I sighed, 'No Natalie, we're going to yours and then I'm going to mine, please senorita don't make me regret coming.' I said as we went into the elevator and up to our floor, she kept falling over and I ended up carrying her. We got into her room and I put her on her bed, 'I'll leave you now Senorita, goodnight,' I said as I went to leave, but she had one other thing to say, 'Octavio.. I'm sorry, about what happened.. between us.' She said as she fell asleep, I sighed and left, then went down to my room, got in and slumped onto the desk chair.

If only it were that easy to forgive, I thought as I sat in the chair and stared out of the window at the beaches and waves of the island. I knew it would be hard to be with Nat this long. I thought I'd be able to handle it but it killed me inside.

I fell asleep in the chair, reminiscing on what happened between us.

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