11 | sweet as candy

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[5 days later]

"You still haven't told me about what happened on Wednesday." Chaeyoung pouted.

I gulped as Momo and Jeongyeon neared closer to me, smirking. "Wednesday, huh?" They both expressed simultaneously.

I began walking faster, but they kept up with me anyways.

"Yeah, Wednesday." Chaeyoung mindlessly told them. "She hung out with the rich bitches: Sana, Jihyo and Dahyun."

Momo opened her mouth in an 'O' shape in surprise, and Jeongyeon kept on smirking anyways.

It was creepy.

"Nothing happened. I didn't buy anything."

"Ooh, sugar mommies~" Jeongyeon teased. I slapped her shoulder.

"No, I literally didn't buy anything. I didn't bring any money so they tried buying stuff for me but I told them not to." I sighed. Momo frowned at me, as if she were disappointed.

"You could've gotten stuff for us, hmph." Momo replied, with Chaeyoung nodding in agreement.

"I'm a whole head taller than you, I don't think my clothes will fit." I whipped my head around to look at Chaeyoung. "Especially you, shorty."

Jeongyeon and Momo both stifled a laughter as Chaeyoung glared at them.

"The only thing that I could've bought really, is the food. But Jihyo paid for that too—ah, I feel bad now." I rubbed my head.

"Hey, free food!" Momo slapped my back. "That sounds like a deal to me!"

"I guess."

"Anything else you saw that was nice?" Jeongyeon asked. "Like anything you really wanted to get, but couldn't."

I thought to myself for a moment as I found sight of my house.

"A necklace. It was a moon necklace, and it was ever so pretty." I looked down at the ground. "Sadly it was 5 million Won, haha."

Chaeyoung laughed with me, trying to lift my spirit.

"I've never had any fancy jewellery and it looked so pretty, but I can save my money for other things, right?"

Jeongyeon nodded her head.

Momo suddenly began running forwards towards my door, and I raised my eyebrow.

"I know you like my house, but only I can open it since I'm the only one who has a key." I laughed.

Momo shook her head as she bent down and picked up a brown box at the door.

I sighed as Momo began to throw it to me, and I mindlessly caught it.

"Must be something my mum ordered online, yet again." I joked, looking at who it was for.

For: Chou Tzuyu

"Pretty sure that's your name." Chaeyoung wondered, and I could only stand there in shock.

"No shit, Sherlock." Jeongyeon glared at her.

"Open it, open it, open it!" Momo ran up to us, jumping with excitement.

I ripped the box open, and to my surprise, there were clothes.

"Must be from my uncle then." I laughed it off.

I took the top clothes off and saw the jeans, laughing at how it looked similar to the ones I saw on Wednesday.

Oddly enough, the shirt looked familiar too.

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