25 | i miss those days

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It had been a week since Areum's birthday party, and during that time, I had not thought about Sana even one bit.

That's a lie.

I thought about her a lot.

But, I knew it was best to move on, and Sana would be getting married in a few months time anyways. There would be no need for our relationship. I would just be one of her memories.

Nayeon entered the room and threw one of my jackets onto my face, and I groaned, not wanting to get up.

"Get up loser, we're going shopping." Nayeon said in some thick American accent, and I cringed.

"I know you're obsessed with Mean Girls, and you lived in America, but can you tone it down with the Americaness? I didn't understand a word you said." Nayeon then repeated what she said in Korean, and I threw a pillow at her face.

"Maybe you should come to America with me to learn." Nayeon picked up the pillow from the ground. I laughed in response, but my laughter faded when I realised that Nayeon was being serious.

"You're...being serious?" I sat up. "Have you told my mum about this?"

She nodded and sat down with her legs crossed on the bed. "I asked your mum and she said you could stay with your uncle. Said he owns a hospital in the area I'm staying in, so he could take care of you and pay for your education."

"When are you - we - leaving?" I asked her, leaning onto my bedframe.

"In three weeks time. I've just been doing online classes since my break isn't long enough."

I sighed and finally got out of bed, going to the bathroom to change and wash up.

There were a few knocks on my bathroom door, accompanied with a sigh from Nayeon. "Just think about it, yeah?" She began to walk away, but her footsteps stopped. "Also, Minsoo's here. Says he wants to talk to you about something."


"Sana's getting married in three weeks time." Minsoo looked me dead in the eye.

In three weeks? I thought it would be like seven months, but three weeks?

"She invited you, but she wanted me to tell you myse-"

"I'm not going." Minsoo sat in silence and tilted his head ever-so-slightly. "I'm going to move to California."

"I see." He pursed his lips and took out the wedding invitation, decorated with gold arches and fancy calligraphy. "Here it is if you decide you want to stay." I shook my head and pushed the invitation back to him.

"Sana's great. I loved her but it's time that I get a grip on reality. There's no use in me being there, unless she just wants me to object."

"I mean-"

"But even if I did go I wouldn't object."

Minsoo lifted his eyebrow.

"I'm turning 19 this June, and Sana's already 21. She's got her whole life ahead of her, and I'm still in school.

I don't want the reason her whole world stops is because of some college student who can barely keep her damn phone intact. She deserves the world, and I'm not someone who can give her that.

So please, Minsoo, do me a favor and don't tell her I'll be leaving. Just say that Tzuyu couldn't make it."

Minsoo stood up and held out his hand for me to shake, and I took it.

"Don't forget me when you leave, Tzu." He gave a half-smile, and I returned the action.

"I wouldn't dare to." I let go of his hand. "I've still got your number, so text me or call me anytime you feel like you want a freshly baked batch of bread. I'll get my mum to send some to you."

"Might be using that to my advantage, so make sure your mum has all the ingredients."

I grinned at him as he opened the door.

"I'll miss you, Monsoon."

"I'll miss you too, none-of-your-business."

"Wait-" I stopped him. "How did you know it was me?"

"I knew all along. Areum isn't as humorously witty as Chou Tzuyu. Also, because she isn't a baker's daughter. I have no idea how Sana didn't catch on."

I simply gave a smile and Minsoo waved goodbye, finally shutting the door of the bakery.

"So that's it?" Nayeon came through the kitchen. "You're coming with us to Cali?"

I nodded my head, and she leaned onto my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, Tzu. You're finally making decisions for yourself."

"I've always made them."

"Yeah, well, not without me or Areum's guidance."

"Don't get too full of yourself."

"Trying not to."


I didn't talk to Minsoo for a long time after that.

I don't think I ever saw him again.

But I'm always grateful for what he did during Sana's party.

Without him, there would be no us.


Hey guys!

I haven't done an author's note in a long time.

This chapter breaks my heart especially, because as I was deciding how to change up my original ending, I decided to transform it completely.

So this is the last chapter where you'll have Minsoo and Tzuyu together.

It hurts bc i love minsoo huhu

Anyways, there's only a few more chapters left! I hope the pain doesn't break you as it broke me :,)

also, stay healthy and keep safe!

— MisoMina💜

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