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"So, babe," I began, looking at Tzuyu through the phone screen. "What do you think of this?" I held up a project board for one of our new products, the Bread Trolley (the name was still being discussed, so no judgement here).

She let out a hearty laugh and nodded her head, making sure to look at the road she was driving on every once in a while. "I love it. How ever did you get the idea?" She sarcastically asked, and I got my little humble speech ready.

"Well, my girlfriend of two years, who now has a master's degree in aerospace engineering, used to be a baker." I smiled.

"Oh really?" A small smirk crept up her face. "May I know her name?"

I began to start teasing her, "Well, her name is actually Kang Areum-"


"I'm kidding!" I laughed. "So how's Stanford?"

She shrugged. "Same as ever. The same smart-asses fighting over whether 1 + 1 really does add to two."

"And whose side are you on?"

"None. I absolutely despise maths." She replied back.

"But you're literally majoring in engineering-"

"Doesn't mean I can't hate maths." She shot a look at me.

"Fair enough." I smiled. "So, any plans for when you're coming back home?"

"Well..." Her voice trailed off. "I was kinda hoping I'd come home after I asked a question."

I laughed and raised an eyebrow. "What question?"

"Mm, I was kinda hoping you'd agree to marry me but I guess you're in love with Areum-"

I screamed.

"WAIT WAIT!" I yelled out, earning the stares of the other workers. "YES I WILL MARRY YOU CHOU TZUYU DON'T EVER THINK YOU'RE RUNNING AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!"

The whole office erupted into roars of celebration, and Tzuyu laughed from the other side of the world.

"I'm taking that as a yes, I guess." She smiled at me.

"You'd better. Or else I'll really marry Areum."

"I hope you're kidding."

"Of course you know I am." I gave her the biggest smile.

"Hm, I'll take your word for it." She shot me a wink. "See you in a few hours."

"You're coming back today?!"

"Would I have asked you to marry me if I weren't?"

I thought about it for a second. "Do you really have to think about it?" She moaned, closing the car door and I heard the beep of the car lock. "Anyways, look out the window."

I walked over to the large glass pane, and down below, there were large boards with paint on them, and next to it was Tzuyu on one knee.


"YES I WILL!" I shot a thumbs up, and rushed down the stairs and threw myself into Tzuyu's arms, knocking the both of us over.

"I love you, Jung Sana." She smiled, and I fir myself between her neck and shoulder.

I looked at her and kissed her with a smile on my face. "I love you too, Chou Tzuyu."

The Baker's Daughter | satzuWhere stories live. Discover now