15 | the daughter I've always wanted

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I entered the house, my clothes soaking wet and my shoes squelching as I took them off. My mood wasn't the best, and I felt guilty after the whole incident.

"YOU don't get to make fun of my life. YOU don't get to say your life is superior. YOU don't get to tell me that my family is poor...

"Because I already know that.

"I'll get going now, Sana. Thank you for trying."

That scene kept on replaying in my mind, like a broken tape, and I couldn't shake the thought out of my mind.

She seemed really mad.

All this, for a stupid tease?

I messed up big time.

Even worse, I could hear my dad making his way from the kitchen. And by the sound of his breathing, I could tell he was mad.

"What is this?" He asked, throwing a photo of me and Tzuyu on the ground. "Is this why you're never home?" I looked at the picture, and could see clearly that it was the moment Tzuyu and I fell into the water. "You're off fishing with some girl?"

I didn't know what to say.

"I look good, don't I?" I joked, only realising what I had said as soon as I finished saying it.

"Sana." He forcefully pulled my head up. "I don't want anymore of this bullshit. I've set Euntae as your fiancé and now your bodyguard, end of story. I don't want to see you loitering around again, you hear me?"

A part of me wanted to fight back.

A part of me wanted to scream at him and tell him how sick I was of hiding from everyone, especially myself.

But a part of me also wanted to survive.

I clenched my fists, nodded and began to walk away.

"He'll be your bodyguard starting from tomorrow morning."

"Yes father." I bluntly replied, my head down as I made my way to my room.


A quick knock on my window sent me into a shiver, as I realised that it was already 2am in the morning, and my eyes had not closed once—except for when I blinked, of course.

Standing up, I saw Minsoo squatting on the roof above the kitchen, grinning at me like a cheshire cat.

"What? You look smug." I groaned as I sat on the windowsill.

He shrugged his shoulders and stared at the mirror on my desk.

"Can you just tell me what's going on, already? I wanna get back to sleep."

"No you don't." He laughed. "You've been up all night. Not only could I see your bedroom light on from my house, but I can also see the dark circles under your eyes.

"You can't lie to me, Zaki."

I looked away, and I could feel him smiling smugly again.

He knew he won.

"Just tell me what you want."

Minsoo threw himself into my bedroom.


I immediately threw a stuffed toy at him.

"—to go out with—"

Yet another stuffed toy flew his way.


"Wait. What?"

"I said, don't you ever listen-"

"No, dumbass. What you said before that."

"Of course you don't listen." He sighed, brushing the sides of his pyjamas. "I said, do you wanna go out with Tzuyu?"

"But...she's mad at me."

"I know she is. She told me that."

We both stood in silence, before I threw another stuffed toy in his direction, as if to say:

Hurry up you slowpoke!

"—Which is why she was at my front door at 12am, asking how to contact you."

"She can call me-" I started, before realising, "Dad took my phone."

"Yeah, she had a feeling he would. Which is why she told me to tell you that she'll be waiting in her favourite place until 6am. If you don't come before that, she knows that it's over."

"She was the one who got mad at me-"

"Because you said something which would even affect me, Sana. Next time, think before you speak." He sighed, looking into my guilty eyes. "So are you gonna see her or not?"

"Euntae's my bodyguard. He'll be checking on me every once in a while."

"Not until 8am. Which is why, if you come before that, you won't get in trouble."

"Should I do it?" I began to feel nervous, just thinking about getting in serious trouble again.

"How do you feel about her?"

I stopped for a moment to think about that question.

"I guess..." I paused. "I think, that I love her."

"You think?" Minsoo questioned.


I grinned.

"I know I love her."

I saw Minsoo smiling so evilly again that I got a weird feeling about it.

"What? Why are you smiling like that again?"

"Just tell me, will you go out to find her?"

"Yeah. I will."

"It's good that you said that because..." Minsoo rushed to the window. "You can come out now."

"God, it was freezing there." I heard a familiar voice, but I didn't need to think about who it was that time.

Because I already knew.

"Tzu?" I rushed to the window.

"Hey, Sana."

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long!

I've got so much exams to revise for, and I've got mounts and mounts of extra work to do.

But, I will work on updating more as well!

Also, I'm trying to write a story on ao3 as well, so if it ever goes well, I'll make sure to share it with you guys too.

Thank you for those who have waited so long❤️

— misomina💜

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