17 | it's like it's fate

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I sat down in my assigned seat, which was right next to my...fiancé (it's such a struggle to say this). This banquet was set to be very extravagant, as it was Euntae's birthday, and I—as the soon-to-be-wife of his—had to attend due to my father's wishes, and not my own.

My father sat on the opposite side of the table and stared at me, telling me to be polite, or else.

I nodded slightly as Euntae sat next to me, took my hand, and kissed it. I gave the best smile I could give as he smiled at me, and then nodded to say hello to my father.

The party soon began, and I saw many caterers walking around, rushing to finish plating and such.

There were also many guests at the party, and my mind simply wandered off to who knows where.

Until, I saw a familiar face.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom." I excused myself from the awfully tense table and secretly made my way to a familiar girl. "Chaeyoung?"

The girl looked up at me with a surprised look on her face, and then looked around as if someone was chasing her.

"You remember me right?" I asked, looking at her puzzled face. "Sana? Who used to come to the bakery everyday?"

She gave a slight nod and then turned to the kitchen where another familiar face popped out.

"Momo's here too?" I questioned, and the girl nodded again, still very silent.

"I'm...I'm gonna go talk to Momo for a quick sec." Were the first words she spoke to me since we last met, and she ran off. I decided to wait there, in case she came back.

Looking at the two conversing with each other, I wondered how nice it would be to have someone to talk to at the party.

After a while, Chaeyoung ran back to me whilst Momo went back to the kitchen, smiling at me.

"So?" I asked her. "What's going on?"

"I'm kind of busy right now, but can we meet in five minutes in Hallway B, second balcony?"

Curious, I nodded, as Chaeyoung then walked off to finish setting up the tables.


No one was there when I arrived, and I decided to just relax by leaning on the balcony and watch the calm hillside.

It's not everyday that I see normal fields instead of a neighbourhood of familiar houses.


I turned around when I heard my name, and simply stood there in shock.

It's been a while, hasn't it?

"Tzuyu." I looked at her, and she looked as beautiful as ever. "You were here the whole time?"

She nodded and shyly walked up to me, leaning onto the marble railing.

"How long has it been?" I asked her, and she had to think for a bit.

"Mmmm..." She mumbled a few days under her breath until she stopped. "It's been a month since we last—"

"Met. In the fields."

"Technically we didn't meet, you just dragged me there." She joked, and the both of us let out small chuckles in response.

"So what's been keeping you away?" She asked me, and I laughed for a bit.

"Wedding preparations, Tzu."

The Baker's Daughter | satzuWhere stories live. Discover now