13 | after school club

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As per usual, I'm eating the Chou's out of their business as I eat the bread prepared for their customers.

Difference between their customers and me, is that I'm special, and I'm unique. So I get bread for free as I observe what goes on in their little town bakery.

However, as I've been observing here for about five years now, I've been able to tell when something is off, or when something is going on.

Such as now.

The Minatozaki Sana, only daughter and heir to Eito Minatozaki, is eating here.

Yeah, you heard me right.


Out of all the 5-star bakeries in her fancy Gangnam town, she chooses to travel two hours to Busan.

It's been five days since Tzuyu went to go thank Sana for the necklace.

Out of those five days, Sana has come here for all five of them.

Yeah, sure, I might be delusional, but I know something is going on.

It's not the fact that she's here so often.

It's the fact for how long she stays here. Here are a few of my observations:


— She comes in at 5, when her school is finished.

— She orders a curry bun, sits down and takes a whole 30 minutes to finish one.

— once she's finished, she waits about 10 minutes, and then stands up to order another one.

— note: i watched her body movements and sudden actions. she usually just looks past the counter. when someone comes out from the kitchen, she jumps so suddenly.

— her eyes are really sparkly

— she repeats this process for about 5 times.

— 5 curry buns. 5 days. thats a bit too much.

— she leaves at the closing time.

— she also often talks to tzuyu and her mum and-

"You're keeping tabs on her?" I heard someone whisper next to me.

"Well, not exactly." I looked up, knowing it was my best friend. "Don't you think it's suspicious how often she's here? And how much she orders? She doesn't even eat anything else except for curry buns and then ice tea."

"You can't eat ice tea." Tzuyu deadpanned, picking up my trash from my table. "Besides, let the girl live. We get profit from whatever she orders."

I glared at Tzuyu, who is somehow immune to my death glares. (I've practiced them a lot, they work really well.)

"Aren't you the same one who said, eat the rich?"

"I never said that."

"I'm pretty sure you did." I took a bite of another bread Tzuyu put down on the table. "Anyways, did you get into a fight with her or something? It's like she's always here. Maybe she wants something from you."

"I don't know, don't care." Tzuyu simply brushed me off. "Just eat the bread. Don't you have tutoring tonight?"

"Professor cancelled. Said he came down with the flu."

The Baker's Daughter | satzuWhere stories live. Discover now