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Hellooooo🙂 again sorry I don't update as fast as I used to I am a busy busy gal lmao a lot goes down in this chapter so let me stfu and get in to the story🥴 also thanks for 4K reads🥺💕

Your POV

You and Jordan have been living together for 2 weeks now and things have been great. But you never told him the real reason you had him move in.

Back in time to 3 weeks ago (8 weeks after you and anon did the nasty😅)

You had missed your period which was weird because you never do. You started to worry that you were pregnant but you immediately thought that this was impossible seeing that you could've missed it due to stress. You decided to go buy a pregnancy test just to be sure. You put on some leggings and a hoodie grabbed your shoes and keys and headed out the door to a local cvs. On the way there you were feeling very anxious. "What if I am pregnant" you thought. "I'm to young to be a mom" you also thought. As you pulled into a parking space you walk into the story and grab a pregnancy test. Once you pay you walk back to your car and drive home. As you pulled into your driveway and parked your car you got a text from anonymous asking if he can come over. You say yes but later on in the day. As you walk into your house and go to the bathroom you take the test and wait. You had to wait around 5 minutes but it felt like 5 years. You were worried sick and when five minutes have passed you looked at the test and it was positive. Your heart dropped and tears quickly began to form in your eyes. "What am I gonna do? And how am I gonna tell Jordan?" You whept. You quickly pulled it together as you heard your bedroom window open knowing it was Jordan. You quickly hide the pregnancy test under the sink wash your hands and walk out of the bathroom not telling Jordan anything.

Flashback overrrr

Anonymous POV

You and (y/n) have been living together for 2 weeks and things have been great but strange. (Y/n) has been getting real sick in the morning lately and you thought it was due to food poisoning or something but you didn't really think to much of it. You really liked (y/n) but you two weren't really dating. It wasn't official yet. You had somewhat of a commitment issue and you knew that but didn't want to admit it. You think she's the one but you don't want to jump into things to quickly. You want to take things slow you thought. You quickly got out of your head and continued to do your computer work.

Your POV

You wondered how you were gonna tell him. You were worried he would leave and at this point you feel you need him for survival. You are so emotionally attached to Jordan that if anything came between you two you would be distraught. "I'll keep quiet for now" you think as Jordan walks into the room. "Hey I'm finished with work" he says while stretching. You didn't respond you just looked off into the distance. "Hey?" Jordan yelled waving his hand in your face. "Huh?!" You say as you quickly snap out of it. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird lately" he asked while taking his mask off. "Nothing" you say in a quiet tone. "Are you sure?" He asked. You didn't say anything you just thought "if I say yes it would be a lie" but you weren't ready to tell him yet. "I'm worried about you. If there's something wrong you should tell me" he said. Again you said nothing but got up and walked to your bathroom. You sighed as you opened the cabinet under the sing and grabbed the pregnancy test. And put it in the pocket of your sweatshirt. You walk over to Jordan sitting on your bed and ask "can I show you something" you say as you put your head down. "Sure" he says with a confused tone of voice. "Just promise me that no matter how shocked you are you stay" " I promise" he says hesitantly. You take the pregnancy test out of your pocket and show him the positive test looking away. He was quiet for what felt like hours. You start to sob quietly as you thought this was a negative reaction and that he might be done with you. All of a sudden you feel two arms wrap around you you started to cry harder in his chest. "What are we gonna do?" You ask sobbing into his sweatshirt. "Have faith" he says holding you tight.

Authors note (please read)
Ahhh that's itt Sorry if the chapter is a little short but I wanna talk about something real quick. If your a teen parent or know someone who is a teen parent I just want you to know that you got this and you just need to have faith wether your religious or not you are in my heart and mind and all my prayers go out to you. I support you and know you are loved. I don't understand why people are so quick to judge teen parents because at the end of the day teen parents have it a lot harder than adults. Please don't judge anyone in that situation 😕 you don't know everyone's story. 💕💕 thanks for reading you all mean so much to me🥰

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