Im back🙂

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Hello everyone 🙂 sorry that I took a really long break I just needed to work things out with someone. We're good now🙂🙂I turned 16 a week ago and I slowly but surly got my life back together 🤣so like I promised I'm going to continue the storyyyyy

Your POV ( still in the second trimester 🦋)

You were laying in bed. You've been awake for what felt like years because you couldn't sleep. You look over and see Jordan is fast asleep. You smiled because he was really cute when he was asleep. You grab your phone off your nightstand to look at the time "damn" you whisper "it's only 2:20". Since you couldn't sleep you decided to go onto your twitter. You haven't opened the app in days only because of how bad things were in the world at the moment. You realize that you had gotten a message from your ex fiancé 2 days ago. You tried not to acknowledge it but curiosity took over and you opened the message.

"I heard that you already moved on and your starting a family, I know it's probably to late but I really miss you and I'm sorry for everything I put you through. And how are you so sure the baby isn't mine? Regardless your the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. We almost got married and I really do want to go on with the wedding. I love you and I miss you"

You thought about the message for a second but then blocked him. You knew he was very manipulative and that was the last thing you needed. After that you put your phone down and fell asleep.

Still your POV

You woke up to the sound of Jordan packing things together. You were curious as to what he was doing. "Jordan what are you doing? It's 7 in the morning go back to bed" he continued what he was going and replied "were moving". "What?!!" You say as you shot up. "Why?"  "Because it just isn't safe here anymore" "where are we gonna go?" "Somewhere private you'll love it" he said still packing up things.

Hours later 👨🏽‍🦱💀

Jordan's POV

We were finally done packing up the house. We were leaving some things that I already had were we were going and only packed essentials. After putting everything in the car you opened the car door for (y/n) and then got into the drivers seat. You put on your mask and you drove off. Things were quiet. You were deep in thought. "I wonder what our future will look like" you thought. "I wonder if I'm having a son or a daughter or both or three daughters or three sons or two daughters and one son. What are we gonna name the baby? We can't just call it baby. You finally spoke after what felt like days of silence. "So what do you think we should name the baby?" You asked keeping your eyes on the road. "I don't know, I've thought about a couple names but I have to see the baby first you know?" "Yeah" you sighed. After a couple of dreadful hours in the car you two finally made it to this very private neighborhood. All the houses were spaced out a pretty far distance with woods in between. You pulled up to the house and it was as stunning as you left it before.

Your POV

First glance at the house and you were in love. "Jordan you never told me you lived here" you said amazed. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me" he said. You tried to ignore that comment and focused on the details of the house. You two got out of the car and started bringing things in and the interior was just as beautiful as the outside. The house was already furnished and everything. "Do you like it?" Jordan asked. "Like it? I love it" you said very enthusiastically. He just chuckled and took his mask off. As he was giving you a tour of the house a huge dog runs up to both of you. The dog greeted Jordan very excitedly "you never told me you had a dog" you said surprised a little. "This is Maximus, he's very friendly but he guards my property" Once Maximus was done greeting Jordan he walked over to you
First sniffing you then sniffed your stomach. "Maximus this is (y/n) she's going to be living with us from now on" Maximus seemed to really like you because he immediately rolled over for you to pet him. After that it seemed to be getting pretty late so you two made dinner and decided to eat outside and watch the sunset. You two then got ready for bed and went into Jordan's bedroom. You two decided to watch a movie for a while until you were tired enough to go to bed. While Jordan was actually paying attention to the movie you were deep in thought. Until you finally spoke. "Hey you never really told me why we moved" you said in a quiet tone of voice. "I did I said it wasn't safe" he said looking at you "but what happened?" you asked curiously. " some fan showed up at the flat and I knew we had to leave before she spread the word and soon my identity would be revealed. Plus i wanted to start a life here. Our life here" he said " once I found out you were pregnant I knew I had to take you here." You didn't really say anything but smiled as you were to tired to respond. He kinda got the hint as he turned off the tv and you both laid down together and fell asleep.

Authors note

A visual of Maximus (breed is Asian shepherd)

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A visual of Maximus (breed is Asian shepherd)

Kinda what the house exterior looks like

Kinda what the house exterior looks like

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(Daddy anon is loaded🥴)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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