Ch. 2: What's Up With Quackity?

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y/n = Your name

l/n = Last name

bf/n = Best friend's name

You eagerly headed toward your 2nd period class. After that fall you took before class started, you broke your nose. It was a good thing that bf/n had some "Fix-Up Bones" cream and now your nose is as good as new. With that, you were able to take your math quiz without the burden of having a shattered nose. 

Now it was time for your favorite class of the day. Not that you particularly liked language arts or anything, but it was because HE was going to be there. Yes, that's right. You and Alex share a single class! It was great being able to stare at him without his usual mob obstructing your view of his godly self. 

You had finally reached your destination and entered the classroom. Alex wasn't there yet, but that was normal. He usually makes it to class a second before the bell. Yeah, he was cool like that. You then make your way to your seat and settled down. 

Before long, Alex showed up to class. He entered the room and right on cue, the bell rang. The whole class turned toward the door and began screaming in joy. 

"Hey look, it's Quackity!"

"Alex! How's it going!"

"Dude, you are a legend!"

"I love you Quackity!"

"You're so cool!"

"Oh my God, it's Alex!"

The class fangirled over him until the teacher told everyone to quiet down. "Okay class, sit down in your seats so I can begin to call roll." The teacher then called everyone's names one by one until he finally got to yours, "Y/n L/n?" "Here!" you replied. Now that your name was called, you can now excitedly wait until he gets to Alex's name. A few more names were called and then, "Alexis Quackity?"

You and the class were already intensely staring at Alex at this point, waiting until this very moment. One full second of silence passed. Then, he took a breath, "...Here." Everyone, including you, got out of their seats and started cheering and jumping around. "Quackity! Quackity! Quackity!" the class chanted. 

"Ok class, quiet down. I know how you all love Alex, but we have to start class now." the teacher said casually, as if this has happened many times before. 

And it has.

The teacher than began today's lesson and soon the class was back to normal. You tried your best to listen to his lecture, but your eyes kept drifting towards Alex. Why did he wave at you this morning? He never did that before, or anything for that matter. You always thought that Alex didn't even knew you existed.

That then made you wonder: when did he begin to notice you? You have never really stood out or caused a scene in school before. You did stare at him a lot, but you were sure Alex never caught you. Wait, it couldn't have been when I tried to follow him home that one time! But I didn't actually get to follow him all the way so he can't-

"Alright class, you better pay attention! This will be on the test next week!" You snap out of your thoughts and decided to focus on the lesson for now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A whole class later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Class is over and now you are free to get lunch, your favorite "class" of the day. Now, you may be thinking, "Everyone freaks out over Alex during lunch too, right? I mean, they did before and during class." Well if you are thinking that, then you're in for a surprise. 

Because in actuality, the student body generally leaves him alone during lunch, aside from his own circle of friends, which is pretty weird considering how they act around him any other time of the day. I'm not too sure why that is. Maybe they wanted a break from fangirling over him. Maybe they actually have a heart and decide to give him a break from being horded. Or maybe they just wanted to eat their damn lunch. Who knows, and it doesn't really matter anyways.

So anyways, you walk into the cafeteria and head straight to the lunch line. While waiting, you look towards a table. It was where Alex and his friends usually sit. You tried to get a good look of him but even without his horde of fans, he still had a considerable amount of friends that blocked your line of sight. You stand on your tiptoe to try see as much as him as possible but- 

"Hey, are you gonna keep staring at Alex like a fucking creep, or are you gonna move up?" the student behind you said. You quickly look away from Alex and to the person, "O-oh sorry! I-I'll move now..." you said and looked away, embarrassed that someone caught you gawking at Alex. You moved up in shame.

Soon after, you got your lunch and went to the table you usually sit at. You see bf/n there waving at you. You took a seat across from them. "Hey y/n! How'd your math quiz go?" bf/n asked you. You shrugged, "I think it went well enough. Though I could've done a lot worse if you didn't fix up my nose. And again, thanks for that!" "No need for thanks! As I've said before, a true best friend is always prepared!" Both of you take a bite of your food.

"So y/n, what was that this morning? Alex WAVED at you!" bf/n looked at me smirking, "Could it be that he's interested in you? Maybe you have a shot y/n." You frantically wave your hands, "N-no way! I'm just some random, ordinary girl! He'll never be interested in me! I'm, like, super boring! I'm too normal for a magnificent person like him!" you, the person who is on the verge of becoming a stalker, exclaimed.

Bf/n quirked an eyebrow up, "Oh yeah? Then why is he staring at you right now?" they pointed behind you. You turned your head around to see Alex staring right at you from his table. You two met eyes and he quickly looked away. WHAT WAS THAT?!?!  You look back at your friend with an anxious face. 

"See y/n, I think he likes you! Or at the very least interested in getting to know you." bf/n stated. You shook your head, "Nah, I don't think so." "Wh-" bf/n looked at you incredulously. "He was looking specifically at you! Why would he do that if he didn't have the slightest interest in you?!" You look away from bf/n, "I think he was really hungry and mistook me for a chicken leg." you sigh, "I knew it was too good to be true."

Bf/n looked at you with disbelief, "I- wh- ho- you know what, nevermind. Let's just eat our lunch and forget this conversation ever took place." You both then eat in a comfortable silence. But your mind just couldn't stop thinking about Alex, not like it ever did in the first place, and what he just occurred.

Does Alex know who I am? Does he want to talk to me? 

You sneak a peek at Alex's table across the cafeteria. He was back to eating and chatting with his friends. I'm probably just imagining things.  I mean, Alex is the most popular kid in the school! He wouldn't want to hang out with some no name.











Your internal battle disturbs you for the rest of the school day.

A/N: Finally finished with this chapter! I was a bit stuck on ideas for awhile, but I pulled through and finished it! I'll try to put out the next part soon and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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