Chapter 3: Mistake

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🥀" Maybe I cant stop the downpour. But I'll always join you for a walk in the rain."🥀

Lev stared at the ceiling in silence. 'Is the situation really that bad? Is Inuoka gonna make it? Is this gonna affect his ability to play volleyball? What have I done?' So many thoughts were on Lev's mind when he received a text from Yaku.

"Hey. We're at the hospital rn with Inuoka and...I don't want to worry you and say things are bad, but they could be better. He hasn't woken up yet, and his heart rate is slow. He suffered a seizure an hour after arriving at the hospital and he's been asleep ever since. This could be extremely bad, but we'll have to wait until tomorrow. How are you holding up?"

Lev read the message over and over. A seizure? Slow heart rate? Lev began to panic as he text Yaku back.

"I feel like the worst person in the world right now, when you head home, can you come to my place? Please?"

"Sure." Yaku responded and put his phone away. He looked over at Inuoka in the hospital bed and sighed. He then looked over at Kuroo, who was sitting on a couch violently bouncing his leg up and down while Kenma laid his head on Kuroo's shoulder and held his hand. Yaku sat alone and thought. All he could do was think. 'I know Lev didn't mean for this to happen but still, it was his fault. Is the rest of the team gonna be angry at him? Is he gonna be able to play? I hope Kuroo doesn't kick him from the team for this. But Inuoka.. might not live. What happens then? How do you recover from accidentally killing someone? I'd probably kill myself if that was m....oh shit.' Yaku shook out of his thoughts to text Lev.


No response.

"Lev?? You good??"

Still no response.

"Goddammit," Yaku said under his breath as he rushed out of the door. Lev's house wasn't far from here, and he knew Lev wouldn't do something drastic like that. Especially not suicide. Right? He shot a text to Kuroo telling him where he was going and ran down the street to Lev's house. He didn't bother going to the front door since he didn't wanna wake Lev's parents, so he just snuck in through the basement like he usually did. When he reached Lev's room, a sudden chill shot through him. What was he doing? Sneaking in to check on someone who wasn't even the one hurt? What was he thinking? But he opened the door anyway.

Nobody was there. But Yaku could hear the faint sound of a shower. Yaku walked over to the bathroom attached to Lev's room and slowly entered. There was Lev, standing in the shower with his head against the wall, crying. Seeing the usually ecstatic boy crying all alone broke something in Yaku, as he left the bathroom and sat on the edge of Lev's bed. He waited patiently for Lev to finish his shower, who was still unaware of his presence at this point. As Lev exited the bathroom, he jumped at the sight of the small libero sitting on his bed.

"Yaku? How long have you been here?" Lev asked, as a pretty shade of pink flushed his cheeks.

"Long enough. Come sit down," Yaku responded as he pat the spot on the bed next to him. Lev walked over and sat down next to him, and looked out the window in front of them. Nobody spoke. Neither one of them dared to touch the other. They sat in this deafening silence for more than 20 minutes, until Lev spoke.

"Inuoka... how could I do this to Inuoka of all people? He's just a first year like me. Hungry and excited to play volleyball. And I just took that away from him." Lev's face stayed in a stone hard position as Yaku placed a hand on his back. Yaku could feel Lev's back rise and fall as he breathed slowly, until suddenly it stopped. It was as if Yaku could almost hear both their hearts shatter as Lev threw his face into his hands and let everything truly hit him at once. Yaku knew he had figured out that Inuoka probably wouldn't recover, and definitely wouldn't be playing volleyball with the team for the rest of this year. Yaku wrapped his arms around Lev and allowed himself to fall apart along with him.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I just wanted to play..." Lev tried to speak through his sobs but ultimately gave up.

"I know you didn't Lev. I know." Yaku said as he tried to compose himself a little more to comfort Lev. They sat and cried while holding on to each other until it was 12 a.m.

"Fuck," Lev said as he sniffed and rubbed his nose. "Yaku you need to get home. I'll walk you."

"I'm not going home tonight Lev. I'm staying with you. You don't need to be alone." Yaku responded, staring into Lev's glassy emerald eyes.

Soon after settling down in bed, Lev was asleep. Yaku had slipped a melatonin into his tea since Lev was entirely too restless. Yaku watched the taller boy sleep soundly as he thought about everything that happened today. Yaku wasn't really the type to pray, but he felt like he had to tonight. 'Dear God, guide Lev. I can't help him forever. I can't protect him from the rest of the team. That's all I ask. Protect him. And heal Inuoka. Please heal my baby wing spiker. We need him. And we love him. Amen' Yaku let tears fall as he turned to face Lev and placed his hand on his side.

"Lev Haiba. I can't make all of this go away. But I promise you this," Yaku whispered. "I'm in this with you. Even if the rest of the team is against you, I'm with you. And I'll be here for everything that's coming your way. I love you Lev Haiba. Never forget that." Yaku rolled over on his side facing away from Lev to drift off to sleep. Unknown to Yaku, Lev smiled. 'I love you too Yaku Morisuke'

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