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General POV

Being in love with your best friend is not a new situation in our society now a days. There will be two endings; happy and sad. Well, in happy ending surely the two best friends will be in love with each other and have a fairytale ending. On the other hand, in sad ending, the other will not reciprocate the love of the other. Some instances, the other is taken or some are one-sided love situation. Or they're in love with each other but afraid to lose their relationship as best friend, that lead to unhappy ending. Sad but true.

Kim Jisoo now is struggling with his self on what should he do. He's in the park right now watching his best friend Hong Soojoo standing 30 meters away from him. It's February 14 and he wants to confess to Soojoo about his feelings for her that he keep for five years of their friendship. Crazy right!

Jisoo wants Soojoo to know his love for her before it's too late. His best friend have already a boyfriend for 11 months, when Jisoo knew about it, it pains him and cried about few hours. But he never stop loving Soojoo, not until the lady is not married he still have a chance.

Push and pull. That's on his mind right now, push; that says"go tell her, at least tell her", and pull; wait, I'm nervous. How I'm going to tell her?" But before he could step forward someone was approaching to Soojoo, no other than her boyfriend. Hanbin, with a bouquet of red roses which are popular in this particular day.

The two hugged and kissed with the smile on their faces. While the couple were talking, Jisoo patiently waiting for Hanbin to finish so he could turn his time to talk with Soojoo. But, apparently the two were enjoying their time.

A few minutes later...

"Yes, babe. I'll marry you!"

What the?!

Jisoo suddenly turn his head on the couple, there he saw Hanbin kneeling in front of Soojoo with a small in his hand. Soojoo was wiping her eyes while his boyfriend, or fiancee slipped something in her finger. You can see how happy they are while Jisoo was confused.

What just happened?

He felt something isn't right. Something is wrong.

Jisoo immediately abandoned the place before he break down. He walked as fast as he could, not minding the people he just bumped.

He reached a quiet place in the park, which he could let his heart out. Jisoo slowly leaning towards the statue beside him, letting those scenario sunk in him. His brain and heart are now fighting on who should be blame. Sighed. Heartbroken.

It's too late. You're coward Jisoo.

He thought that this day would have a better ending. That this day would be full of love. But because he's a coward, goodbye Soojoo.

"Screw you cupid! You're not real! She's not in love with me! I hate you, cupid!"

Jisoo shouted his heart out. Cupid is not real. If he could erase this date from the calendar, he will. Bitter Jisoo.

Afterwards, Jisoo reach his car and hurriedly got inside. He let out a heavy sigh, looking at the windshield absently and any second he start crying.

"Soojoo, Soojoo why?..."

Suddenly,his whining was interrupted by a giggle from his backseat. Jisoo turned where the sound came from. His eyes widened as he saw a toddler boy happily sitting in the back seat.

Jisoo: What the?! How did you??

Toddler: You call out my name right?

And that made Jisoo more shocked. The toddler just talked to him.

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