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CTTO in this picture. Jisoo oppa!😄

Cupid's POV

Hi, finally my POV! Yo yo yo, Cupid in your area! Sorry, I'm a blink, blackpink run through my veins. Just bear with me guys.

By the way, I'm having breakfast with my daddy Jisoo and Mommy Jennie. Sitting in front of them and witnessing all their lovey dovey stuff, makes me feel cringe. Mommy Jennie is now feeding her Jichu with boiled dumplings and kimchi fried rice, treat him like a baby. And Jisoo just keep blushing and smiling, he didn't even noticed me sitting with them. Oh my gosh, I'm so done with this two.

I suddenly miss my Psyche. The love of my life. When are you coming back my love? I miss you.

Aish! This is your fault JenSoo.

When Daddy Jisoo was heading to his car for work, mommy Jennie said her good bye, but then...


Jisoo look back at her, rising his eyebrows.

"What Jendeuk?"

Mommy Jennie, doing some weird action that I can't even understand. What was that?

She's like making her own version of flying kiss, with arrow? I don't know but she's cute doing that.

And then Daddy Jisoo smile, catched the imaginary arrow and doing the same thing Mommy Jennie did, then he hop into the car. Leaving my mommy squealing like a dolphin at the door.

A smile curve in my lips, realizing that these two are destiny. Jisoo showing his interest in Jennie and the most important thing, I also feel the spark between them, finally! I feel it. It's like the energy of love and every time of the day, it's getting stronger. That means their love for each other is growing. Yes! You did a great job Cupid! Hah!

All Jisoo have to do is utter the three powerful words and I'm done with my job with them. Kekekeke.

I'm about to go to Jisoo's room when the doorbell rang. Wow, Jisoo's back? Maybe he forgot something. I saw Jennie hurriedly open the door, oh so excited to see her Jichu. I ignore them and continue heading to Jisoo's room. But I heard a familiar voice coming from the front door.

"Hi, Jennie."

I turned my head to confirm my guess and I was right! What is he doing here?!

"Oh, hello? Who are you?" Jennie asked.

"You forgot me that easily?" The stranger replied, with disappointment in his face.

Jennie frowned trying to remember him.

"I was the one who talked to you at the wedding, remember?"

"Oh! Yeah, Bacchus right?" Jennie exclaimed joy. Bacchus just nod and smiled at Jennie.

And he glanced at me with a smirk. Is he planning something?

General POV

Jennie headed to the kitchen to prepare beverage for her guest. Bacchus was in the living room with Cupid sitting opposite to him, the two gods glaring at each other. If glaring can kill, these two were definitely dead by now.

"What are you doing here Bacchus?"

"I'm Jennie's friend." Bacchus simply replied.

"As if I believe you. I know you're up to something."

The god of wine smirked and let out a bluffing chuckle.

"Is that what you're thinking? Please Cupid, I'm just being friendly with Jennie here. You can't accused me like that. You're unbelievable."

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