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General POV

Wedding party....

Jisoo was just in the corner watching the people partying in the dance floor with the newlyweds. Limario and Rosé went home early because Rosé complained that she felt dizzy, and she also felt a stomachache due to tasting all the food in the table.

Then his eyes catched a certain girl who's dancing in the dance floor with the beat of the music. Her hips gracefully whipped through the tempo, as if she's dancing for the last time. Jisoo can't take his eyes off to the girl, he unconsciously smile adoring her. He felt his heart flutter.

Suddenly his smiles faded when he noticed, a random guy approached the girl. He clenched his fist and grind his teeth. The girl happily talking with the guy which made Jisoo a little bit pissed off. He harshly drink his wine and immediately stood up rushing to the girl.

"Let's go home." Grabbing the girl's wrist who is still talking to the guy.

"Bro, we're talking here. That's rude of yours." The guy arrogantly said that made Jisoo stopped and face the guy.

"I'm rude? You're rude. You're talking to my girlfriend. So back off." Jisoo response and dragging Jennie out to the dance floor.

"Wait, Jichu."


"Jichu, we're talking back there."

They stopped from walking and Jisoo turned to Jennie with annoyed face.

"So you're saying you enjoyed his company there! Yeah right you are even smiling at him, as if his the Mr. Universe. He even not reach the half of my pretty face! So go back to him!"

Jennie was shocked in Jisoo's outburst, she need to coo her Jichu. Her baby is mad and she don't want him to be like that.  So She smiled, cling her arms to Jisoo's and holding his hand while leaning in his shoulder.

"Jichu you're the most handsome man I ever seen. That guy is nothing compared to you, he's just introduced himself and I was just being friendly. My Jichu is my only and only love, and nothing else.😘"

The brunette guy, let out a deep sighed, restraining his smile, he felt there are butterflies in his stomach and all his blood rushing to his face  because of what Jennie said.

"Don't be mad at me Jichu. I will never talk to any guy, just only you. Please, forgive your Jendeuk." Jennie even pout, Jisoo look at her.

How can I resist that face! Jisoo's thought, look away and bit his lower lip.

"Come on, it's getting late. Let's go home."

"Am I forgiven? Or I have to buy an apple? Just let me know what should I do for you to forgive me." Jennie showed her pleading eyes gripping Jisoo's hand.

Aish, stop that face Jendeuk. I might do something that I can't regret. Jisoo's thought. He sighed.

"Fine! Apology accepted."

"Kyaaaah. My Jichu is so kind and understanding. You're the perfect husband ever, I'm so lucky. Aww, I want to kiss you now!"


"Can I kiss you Jichu?" Showing her puppy eyes.

"I.. I'm uhm.. just in my cheek." Jisoo's stuttering, shook. What did I said?

"Why not in the lips? I love your lips. Kekeke."

Aish, this girl! Control Jisoo.

"My.. my parents are strict so, just in the the che--"

Before Jisoo could finish his sentence, his felt a pair of lips touch his cheek. He left frozen and his face heat up and eyes went wide.

Meanwhile Jennie squealed, because finally she's able to kiss Kim Jisoo.

"I JUST KISS KIM JISOO! Jkfjfkdkdjs"

Smirking Bacchus witnessed the 'couple' having their playful act from afar.

"Found my bait. Just wait for my revenge little Cupid." He mumbled and took a sip in his wine.


Cupid was in the living room with his scrolls scattered in the floor. He seriously reading everything in each scroll, must memorize it for the reward. But after reading 2 scrolls, he felt his eyes become heavy.

"Aish, cooperate with me eyes!"

A few minutes later..

"Forget that quiz. I'm sleepy."

He's about to close his eyes when he heard a car outside Jisoo's house. He picked up the scrolls quickly and put it under couch. Then Jisoo and Jennie enter the house, he noticed that Jennie is clinging to the brunette guy who just smiling at her.

What's going on with them?

He followed them with his gaze, the 'couple' stopped in front of him. Jennie let go of Jisoo and head herself upstairs glancing at the brunette guy while smiling. The latter just stood there looking at the clingy girl went to her room.

"What was that?"

Jisoo flinched, and turned to the toddler leaning towards the couch.

"Aish, you will give an heart attack. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I have something to do." Cupid look down to Jisoo's hand. "Oh, is that my ice cream?" Clapping his hand with excitement. He requested ice cream from Jisoo before they went to the wedding.

Jisoo handed the plastic bag to the happy toddler. Cupid quickly grab it and open the ice cream container. The brunette guy just shook his head and smile at the toddler's action.

Such a kid.

"Want some ice cream?" The toddler asked Jisoo.

"That's all for you. Just enjoy yourself with it."

Jisoo join him sitting in the couch and turn on the TV. While eating, he's humming the Ice Cream song from his favorite K-Pop girl group of all time. He's having LSS with that song, when suddenly Cupid remember something.

"Daddy Jisoo, why you and Mommy Jennie were clingy when you two enter the house? Is something thing happened?"

Jisoo turned red, recalled what happened earlier.

"You're blushing Daddy. Kekeke. Daddy Jichu is in love. Kekeke"

"Yah! What are you saying?! I..I just feel hot in here." Jisoo lied.

"Quit that act, Jichu. JenSoo is sailing.kekeke" Cupid teased him even more that made the latter embarrassed.

"I'm so done with you Cupid. And please don't call me Daddy, it's disgusting."

"Aww. Can I call you Jichu?"

"No! Jennie call me that."

"Oh, only Mommy Jennie can call you that. So sweet. Kekeke."

"Argh, I'm outta here." Jisoo said and stood up, but Cupid stopped him.

"Wait, you didn't answer my question."

"No, I'm not sharing it to you. It's a secret." The brunette smirked and head to his room.

"Oh~ secret.. It's a good improvement. You're getting there Jisoo and Jennie. Cupid thought.

Scroll 7: Lesson 16- He/She will slowly fall in love with the one you hit with your golden arrow. Slowly but surely, because they're meant to be.

"Mom, You're the best."


A/N: hi. Thank you for supporting and voting,. And for those who leave their comments, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Love you guys. Keep supporting BLACKPINK. Love them all.

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