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Stream Ice Cream!

General POV

Its Soojoo's wedding day, and our 'couple' is invited. Jisoo is now silently fixing his collar, thinking how will he react if he will witness his best friend's most special day. In his mind, he should feel pain and regret since it's too late for him to confess. But..

I don't know how to feel.

"Hey, Daddy Jisoo I'm sinking in your deep thoughts." Cupid suddenly whispered.

"Yah! You're giving me a heart attack!" Jisoo was holding his chest.

"What are you thinking?" Cupid asked sitting in the couch.


"Yes, you are thinking something. Share it to me. I'm your baby so can share it. Come on daddy."

"Aish. Fine. Just stop calling me Daddy." Jisoo sighed. "It's confusing me, about my feelings right now. I.. I .. it's argh. I should be in pain right now Cupid. Soojoo is going to marry Hanbin today, and here I am going to her special day. I'm so confused." The brunette guy frustratedly cupped his face while Cupid just staring at him.

"Are you sure you love Soojoo?" The toddler questioned.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I love her. She's my first love."

"I'll tell you some story, well it's kinda facts. Its up to you if you believe me or not. But just believe in me. So, all humans know about us right? My mother is the goddess of love and beauty and I'm her son and in order to prove that I'm the god of love she created false love, which are the obsession and infatuation. My mission is to change that false love into true love with the help of my golden bow and arrow which Zeus gave me." And that made Jisoo think about, and he realized something.

"So, you're saying that my feelings for Soojoo is false love?"

"I didn't said that. Now you're confuse, the only way to confirm your feelings is to face Soojoo and testify this event. This will assess what you feel.Don't worry, I'm right beside you. Expert here." Cupid flexing his little arms.

"Wow! Expert? Wait.. before I forget, you never told me about what you're mother said after your visit. You keep on distracting me about Jennie all the time when I was about to open that topic. Did you went to your mother or not?" The brunette guy suspiciously asked Cupid.

"Hey, I did went to my mom and it's not easy find her. I spent 5 galleons just to asked about the situation but she said--- oh my gosh!" He immediately cover his mouth with his hands. He almost said it.

"She said what?"

"I I.."

"Jichu! Look at me. I'm so beautiful and perfect for you."

Thanks Mommy Jennie for saving me.

The two boys turned their sight where Jennie is and their eyes widened. She was wearing a lavander sleeveless dress with v-neck, with a pair of high heels. She's wearing a light make-up that compliment her natural beauty.

Jisoo was speechless while Cupid just staring at her.

"Woah, she's prettier than my mother. Can she be the goddess of beauty, instead of my mother?"

Goddess indeed. Jisoo thought.

They arrived at the venue of Soojoo's wedding. Everyone is excited and happy. Limario and Rosé were there  too, signaling the JenSoo to join them. Before and Jennie enter the venue, Hanbin recognize Jisoo and called him.

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