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It's been a month 😘

General POV

Jennie and Bacchus were chatting and drinking in their table. Jennie is a little bit drunk, her alcohol tolerance is low that's why she told Bacchus that she want to go home to her Jichu.

"Come on, let's go."

Before he could grab Jennie, Bacchus saw Cupid and Jisoo walking to their direction. With he hurriedly picked up Jennie and went out to the bar.

"Yah! Where he will take Jennie?!"

"Come on, Jisoo hurry up. We should catch him."

They were after the god of wine carrying Jennie.

"Stop there Bacchus!" Cupid yelled. "Jisoo go hurry, take Jennie away."

On their way to Bacchus' car, the god of wine is about to get Jennie inside the car but someone stop him by grabbing his collar.

"Yah, what do you think you're doing? That's my girlfriend."

"Don't touch me you dumbass!" He pushed Jisoo away from him.

But the latter pushed him too. They're pissed off by each other and started throwing punch in each other's faces.

"Hey! Stop it!"

Cupid yelled at the two, while panting. The toddler seems so tired from running since he can't fly without his bow and arrows. He wants to stop the two fighting but he can't risk himself between two huge men.

Instead, he went to Jennie and trying to wake her up. If he could.

"Arrgh! I can't believe this girl is hard to wake up." Cupid busy himself looking for his bow and arrows. "Where are those?! Aish!"

Bacchus is now straddling the brunette guy holding his collar. Jisoo have bruise on the face while the god of wine got no single scratch.

"That toddler is no good for what he is now. He can help you find your true love. He's useless! He's just a stupid kid playing around with his arrow!"

"Arrgh!" Jisoo gathered all his strength to push the god of wine to get of him. And his on top beating Bacchus underneath.

"You're a selfish god. A bitter god. Cupid just doing what is right! So don't say those words against him! He's my friend!" Punch Bacchus.

But that made Bacchus more angry. Pushed Jisoo and hurriedly stood up, throwing powerful punch to Jisoo which made the latter dazed cause him to fall.

The god of wine instantly walked to Jennie and lift her up.

"Stop right there Bacchus!"

Bacchus turned around and found Cupid holding a camera. He evilly laugh, mocking the toddler.

"What you gonna do about it? Filming me? Take photos of me?"

"Yes! And show it to Zeus so he knows what you're crazy mind does!"

"Ha! You think he will buy that? He never listened!"


"Yah! Why so noisy? I'm sleeping." Jennie complained with eyes closed.

"Jennie!" Jisoo stood up and is about to walk to Jennie, but suddenly Bacchus bring out a golden arrow and aim it to Jennie's chest.

Jisoo and Cupid eyes widened.

"Don't you ever step forward or I will not hesitate to struck her heart."

"Please, don't." Jisoo plead.

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