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PHOTO(credit to the owner)

Jennie patiently waiting for her milk ice cream while busy in her phone. She's about to tap the heart from her Instagram, suddenly someone called and she answered it immediately.

"What do you want Irene?"

"Oh, hello too, Jen." Sarcastic answered the person from the phone. Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Where are you Jennie Kim? We're worried."

"I told you that I'm having my vacation right."

"Where exactly? I know you're sad about the game, but please we're here for you your team okay?"

Jennie let out a heavy sigh. She thought what happened was a part of her career. Winning and losing are part of the game, but she knew there was something wrong about their previous game. Someone's cheating and she can't afford it.

Jennie is one of the repeatable archery player in Korea. Their team "The BP" was to compete in Olympics if they would win the Korea Archery Tournament, unfortunately their chance was taken away since their ultimate rival The BTS was the winner of that tournament which Jennie disapprove because the group cheated.

"I know Rene, but I have to unwind. I'm a little bit stress about that losers."

"Fine. But you have to come home next next week, we have an event to attend. The whole team actually."

"Yeah sure. I will never forget that."

"Okay, bye for now. Be careful."

And the call ended. Jennie lean back to her seat having some thoughts to herself.

"Here's your order ma'am. Enjoy."

The waiter said cheerfully and leave the latter devour her milk ice cream. It so delicious, maybe Jennie will order another one. She never regret going to this place with the help of google.

Having a good time her ice cream, she felt unexpected sting somewhere inside her. Jennie blink twice to ignore the feeling and divert her eyes to other direction. But all of the sudden, her windows of soul opened wide on the creature in front.

Gosh, is this the one? Jennie's thought.

In the latter's mind everything went in slow motion, she just saw the dream of her dreams, like seeing the prince charming to save her lonely heart. Jennie can take it anymore, she have to let it out!

And then she squeal...

Abruptly approaching the love of her life, before someone will snatched him from her. Jennie hugged him and stared loving to the love of her life's eyes.

"I found you my knight in shining armor. My king!"

Jisoo's POV

How's this annoying creature?

She suddenly hugged without reason. Really? In front of Soojoo?

What she will be thinking? No!

"Yah, w-who are you?" I asked the clingy lady. She looked at me with her twinkling eyes, like she just saw her favorite stuff toy.

"I'm your one and only, your 'she's the one', and most of all your Jennie, your girlfriend." She smirked and wink at me.


I looked at Soojoo who's also shocked on what this Clingy lady had said. She's out of her mind. Soojoo is the only girl I want to be my girlfriend. How did she-- wait, Cupid. I instantly search for him and there! His smiling nervously towards me and showing me a peace sigh.

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