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General POV

Its been three days had passed, no sign of Cupid, Jennie keep on bugging Jisoo which made latter ignore her instead being annoyed. He can't be attached to this clingy lady. He haven't seen Soojoo after what happened, he actually forget about his confession to his best friend.

At his office, Jisoo groaned before leaning towards his swivel chair massaging his temple. It's already noon time, but he have tons of documents to sign up. Perks of being a CEO.

Tired, hungry, frustrated, all of that are what he feel right now. Jisoo is about to close his eyes, but suddenly he heard a voice outside his door. Any moment the office door opened by a girl with a gummy smiles.

"S-sir, sorry. She said she's your girlfriend." Jisoo's nervous secretary said beside Jennie who glaring at the secretary.

"Correction. Wife. W-I-F-E. I'm his wife." Jennie proudly said to the secretary.

Jisoo heavily sighed.

"Somi, thank you. You can go out." He gently told the secretary and Somi instantly bow and left the room.

"Jichu, I brought your lunch. I know you're hungry and as a good wife I prepared this so that my handsome husband will be energized and of course you will be inspired because your gorgeous wife is here." Jennie said while putting the food in Jisoo's coffee table. Little did she know the latter just staring at her all the time.

She's thoughtful and cute... Wait. What?

He shook that thought and returned his eyes to Jennie but she's not in the couch anymore.

Where did she-- His thought was cut off and startled when he suddenly feel hands caressing his shoulders.

"Yah! How did you--- yah! Don't touch me!" He wiggles his to avoid Jennie's hands.

But Jennie is so stubborn, she continue to massage Jisoo's shoulders and latter slowly drifting to the girl's gentle touch. He feels relax and slowly close his eyes.

"Awww, my Jichu is tired. Oh you have cold muscles here." Jennie press some pressure at Jisoo's shoulders.

"Oh, there. Yes." Jisoo almost moan because of the relaxing feeling.

Jennie smirked upon hearing those from Jisoo, she continue massaging him and something come up in her head.

"Here, oh here."

"Yes. There."

"There's another one here."



Jisoo's eyes widened, felt frozen in his chair and blood rushing to his cheeks. Luckily, his back is facing at Jennie who's enjoying what she just did, so the girl cant see his reaction. It will totally embarrass. He thought.

Gaining his self back, Jisoo immediately stopped the girl from massaging his shoulders. Jennie was totally confused.

"Thought you like me massaging your shoulders?"

"You molesting me." He stood up and lead his feet to the coffee table. "I'm hungry." True his hungry but its also an excused of the strange feeling about the kiss.

Jennie smiled seeing Jisoo devour the lunch she made and hurriedly join him. She sit beside him and do her wife duty.

Feeding her husband. With food.

"Chu, say ahhh." The spoonful of food waiting in front of the brunette guy.

"Yah! I'm not a baby anymore" avoiding the spoon.

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