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After that kissing scene, they acted like boyfriend and girlfriend. The two Kims are more sweet to each other. Jisoo always brought Jennie her favorite flower every after work. Doing their heart arrow when they're apart, and Jisoo finally allowed Jennie to sleep in his room, but they never do "it" so far. What a great self-control for both of them. Also Limario and Rosé often visit the couple and hangout with them.

As the days passed, as the JenSoo ship is sailing, Bacchus and Jennie also became close friends. Sometimes, Jisoo got jealous since the god of wine paid visits to his house. He almost want to give Bacchus a jab on his face, but Cupid stopped him telling "remember the plan".

Cupid just go on the flow about Bacchus' plan, in this case he can slowly determine what will be in the latter's mind. Bacchus thought Cupid is so blind about his doing and the toddler seems so calm, which made him more confident to proceed with his plan.

"What?! No way!"

Limario flinched of Jisoo's sudden action, the latter was talking to his phone. It's already 6pm and they're still at the conference room finishing their project for the company.

"No you can't and that's final." Jisoo with his serious face. Limario just listening to him, he knows that would be Jennie since she's the only one who can made Jisoo like this.

"I don't trust that guy so it's a no."


"I'm mad now Jennie."


"I will be right there. I'm going fetch you." And then he hang up the call, massaging the bridge of his nose.

"Is that Jennie?" Limario asked.

"Yeah, let's do this fast so I can fetch her wherever she's now."

"Oh~mad Jisoo." Limario chuckles. "So in love with his Jendeuk. Why so mad and in a hurry picking up Jennie? I thought she's at your house?"

"She's going out with her new friend that I don't like."

"Dude, sometimes it's alright to let your girl go out with her friends."

"Okay, what if Rosé went out with a guy who have something to her? How will you react to that?"

"Well, that. I will definitely disagree. I punch that guy."

"So, you feel what I'm feeling now."

Limario rolled his eyes and suddenly they heard Jisoo's phone ring. It's an unknown number, Jisoo picked it up with a frown.

"Who's this?"

"Daddy Jisoo! It's baby Cupid."

"Yah! Where did you get my number and you have a phone?"

"I have my ways. Aish, I have bad news. Mommy Jennie is missing!"

"She went out?! Aish!" Jisoo sighed with frustration.

"Went out? Where? Why?"

"I will text you the address."

"Mommy Jennie is here?"

"Yes! With that Bacchus guy! By the way, I thought you at my house to watch for Jennie. Why didn't you notice that she went out?"

Cupid startled and scratched his nape.

"I-I got busy?"

"Busy? Of what?" Jisoo looking at him suspiciously.

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