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Cupid was now shivering through the dark and scary cave holding a fired torch. He could hear noises from bats and snakes that made him terrified. This cave is the passage to the home of his uncle Hades, the underworld.

"Mommy what on Earth are doing in hell." He mumbled while walking slowly avoiding some rocks that can cause a noise.

After a few minutes in walking, he saw a little ray of light coming from a chamber in the cave. His feet drag him to the chamber and there he found a lake and a boat, but that boat was not empty it was a man standing dressed with a dark robe. You couldn't see his face since the robe have a huge hood and he was looking on the floor.

"Ahm, excuse me sir. I'm going to the underworld because my mother is in there and I have a very important appointment to her. Can you take me there?" Cupid politely asked, but the man didn't reply.

"Hey, hello sir?"




Cupid poke the man's arm and that made the man jolt.

"I'm awake. I'm awake!" The man yelled. He realized he was been sleeping for hours, he noticed the toddler in front.

"Thank God, you're a-"

"Who are you? Wait, I know you! You're Cupid, son of Aphrodite."

"Yes, you're absolutely right. I want to see my mother, she's in underworld."

"3 galleons."

"What? I'm a god and really famous."

"I don't care. 4 galleons."

"It's supposed to be free."

"Free for the dead. Are you dead? 5 galleons."

The toddler groaned in annoyance, and quickly face the man showing his cuteness hoping the man will pass through it. Cupid just received a poker face and handed 5 galleons, his rich u you know.

"Oh my, Cupid what are you doing down here?" He was asked by the goddess of love. Gave Cupid a tight embrace, "I missed you my dear." And kiss his forehead.

"I missed you too mom." Return his mother's hug.

They're sitting now in the couch near the fireplace, eating cookies. Hades was not around since Zeus called an urgent meeting with his brothers.

"Um... Mom, I had a situation. That's why I'm here, I know you're the only one can help me to this."

"So my mother's instinct was right, you did something stupid!"

"No, mom. It's not stupid. I-It's just an accident."

"So what was the stupid thing you did? Tell me."

"I said its not stupid. Well, I was doing my job you know arrow and I heard someone said that I'm not even real 'cause he was broken hearted so I appeared and let him saw me."

"And then?"

"I convinced him that I'm real and kinda help him I think."

"What kind of help?"

"I help to make his best friend fall in love with him which is currently engaged-"

"What?! You know the rules Cupid!" Aphrodite exclaimed.

"Calm down. Yeah I know mom." That made his mother calm. "So, I didn't hit his best friend instead a random girl, because I was disturbed by a annoying bug. So I accidentally released my arrow and there the girl hit it."

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