Chapter 15

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Y/n's pov

I slowly opened my eyes. I'm in a white room. Where am I? I looked at my hands and saw one of them bandaged up. Oh, I see now. I rubbed my eye but then I realized something...


I slowly sat up. I grunted in pain and got off the bed.

"Y/n, stay in bed", I saw Kashi-San sitting on the chair next to me. How did I not notice him? He helped me back in bed.

"But... is Sasuke ok?", he pat my head and pulled the blanket over me.

"Don't worry, he's ok", I let out a sigh of relief. After a few seconds of sitting there, realization hit. My eyes started to water and then I started to cry. Kashi-San started to try and comfort me.

"Sasuke's... clan... they're dead... Itachi... h-he...",

"Ssh, it's ok Y/n. Rest, you need it", he helped me lay back down. He stayed by my side until I fell asleep.


I woke up again. This time it's nighttime. I saw Kashi-San sleeping in the chair next to me. I decided to just lay there staring at the ceiling.

Why did Itachi do that?

I wonder how badly injured Sasuke was?

How long have I been here?

I hope Sasuke is alright...






I miss Grandma Yuri...

I want to see her...

I'm scared of the village...

Would Kashi-San let me see her?

Should I have come to live in a village?

I miss my home...

I could feel myself crying again. I wiped my tears away with my good hand. I moved to my side and looked out the window. I'll ask Kashi-San if I could go back for a bit. Just for a bit...

Maybe in the morning or when I'm healed. Probably when I'm healed. It'd be best. For now, I need rest. I closed my eyes again and went back to sleep.


I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I looked out the window and saw it was daytime. I looked at the chair and saw Kashi-San gone. I whimpered and got off the bed. I went up to the door and opened it.

"Kashi-San...?", my bottom lip was quivering a bit. I looked around the hallways and started to go to other places in the hospital. I walked slowly since my body still hurt a bit.

I sat down after minutes of walking. I sighed flicked myself on my forehead. Dumbo! Now I'm lost! I decided to just stay there and look out the window.

After a bit more time, I used the chakra I replenished to heal myself. I panted a bit after finishing. I stood up and leaned against the wall. I used the wall to help me up and I started walking towards where I came from.

Once I saw the familiar numbers on the door, I went inside. I laid down on the bed and looked out the window. I looked down at my stomach. I'll try one more time. I focused chakra in my good hand and placed it over my wound.

Out of nowhere, I got a huge headache and everything in the room turned black and white. I jumped out of bed and started freaking out. My eyes hurt, my head hurts!

What's going on!?

I fell on the ground. I started to hold my head. Then, it stopped. Everything went back to normal. I flinched when the door opened.

"Y/N!!", I looked up and saw Kashi-San, Kurenei-chan, Guy-sama and Asuma-san. They helped me up and back on the bed.

"Why are your eyes bleeding?", Kurenei-chan asked while wiping my face. I started to shake remembering what just happened a few seconds ago. I looked up at their worries faces. I hesitantly reached up to my face. I felt the blood and then looked at the blood on my hands.

"I... want to see... Yuri...", I couldn't stop myself from shaking for some reason.

"It's ok Y/n, you don't have to be scared", Kurenei-chan rubbed my back. Kashi-San crouched right in front of me.

"What happened Y/n?",

"I... uh...", what did happen? I looked at the room confused. "I don't know...", I shrugged and looked at him. He sighed and got back up.

"Get some rest Y/n. You need to get better", I grabbed his hand.

"Sleep with me", he patted my head.

"I have a mission right now. I'll be back tomorrow though, ok?", I nodded. "Kurenei will stay with you though", I smiled and hugged her.

"Kurenei-chan, sleep with me please?", she giggled and hugged me too.

"Ok Y/n", I waved at Kashi-San, Guy-sama and Asuma-san as they left. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Kurenei-chan laid down next to me. I smiled at her and started to braid some of her hair.

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