Chapter 16

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*2 years later*

Y/n's pov

I jumped through the window and landed on the desk. I came face-to-face to the Hokage.

"I want to find my clan!", he just looked at me for a bit and then behind me. I turned around and saw some Anbu standing there. I waved at them. "Hi! I'm Y/n!",

"Hokage-sama, who is this?", I sat on the desk criss cross apple sauce. All he did was sigh.

"This is Y/n and she's supposed to be at the academy", I immediately shook my head.

"We have lunch right now! I'm good!", I  said while pulling out a bento box from my bag.

"We need to talk about this later, Y/n", I hopped off the desk.

"But I really need to know my clan!",

"I'll talk to you after this meeting", I pouted, jumped out the window and sat on the legde next to it. I got my chopsticks out and started to eat.


Once I heard the door, I hopped back inside. I still had my bento out. I sat on the floor in front of him and kept eating.

"Now Y/n, what was it you wanted to do?",

"I want to know my clan! So, I want to leave Konohagakure!", I ate a dumpling after saying that.

"Y/n, you're only 9. It'd be better for you to stay here until you're older and then look", I shook my head.

"No! I want to know now, please sir!",


"I have it planned out too! I'll have Riku send you guys letters everyday to check in! My parents never told me about my clan, I don't know why but I want to know my clan. I want to know why my parents never told me anything about it and I'd like to know my name",

"Y/n, you're to young to go by yourself",


"But, someone could go with you", my eyes widened and jumped up.

"So you mean I could actually go!?",

"That's only a possibility that I'd let you go", I fist-bumped the air.

"There's still a possibility though! Who do I go with!?",

"I'll only let you go if your guardian says so. If he says no then you can't go", I put my hand on my chin. Will Kashi-San let me go? Cause I will be on the road for as long as it takes. Even if it's days, months or years. I looked at the Hokage again.

"Alright! We have a deal!", I said while holding out my hand. He chuckled and shook it.

"Now go before you're late", I nervously laughed and rubbed my head.

"I think lunch is actually suppose to be right now",

"What!?", I laughed and jumped out the window.

"Nothing! Thanks old man!", I could hear him yelling while I ran. I jumped from roof to roof towards the academy. I started thinking back as to why I want to find my clan.

*Like 10 minutes before Y/n ran to the Hokage*

"I don't know, which clan is better...", me and kiba looked at each other. He pointed at himself.

"Mines definitely the best!",

"Hey! That's not fair! I don't even know my clan! What if my clan is better than yours!",

"Why not find out then?", I hit my palm with my fist.

"You're right! Thanks Kiba!", I got up from my seat and walked to the window. Iruka-sensei looked at me.

"Y/n, what are you doing?", I opened the window and jumped out. "Y/N!!!", I'm gonna ask the old man.

*end of time-skip*

I finally made it back to the academy. I jumped up into one of the trees and laid down on a branch. I'll just take a nap for now until Iruka-sensei finds me.


"Y/n! Wake up!",

"No... 5 more hours...",

"Y/N!! Were you ditching!?", I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I saw my classmates. I smiled and waved at them.

"Hey guys, how was lunch?",

"Y/n!", I turned around and saw an angry looking Iruka-sensei. I smiled and waved at him too.

"Hi Iruka-sensei, have you seen Kashi-San?",

"Were you trying to look for him?",

"Not really but now I will, I might leave Konohagakure",

"WHAT!?", my classmates yelled. I looked at them.

"I want to find out about who my clan was so, I'll probably be leaving Konohagakure to look. I won't go by myself of course!", I looked at the window. It's still opened.

"You can't leave just like that though!", I waved at them and jumped out the window again.

"Y/N!!", I started jumping from roof to roof to find Kashi-San. I whistled and waited for a bit. Riku came flying and landed on my shoulder. Riku is my pet, he's shima enaga.

"You know where Kashi-San is at?", he started to fly towards a random direction. I followed him and saw Kashi-San walking while reading his book. I never found out what it was about. I jumped off the roof.

No one's pov

Kakashi was minding his own business. He noticed that he was in some shade. Nothing should be above me, he thought. The shadow started to get bigger. He put his book away and looked up.

"Kashi-San!", he held out his arms and caught Y/n. She giggled and hugged him.

"Y/n!? You're supposed to be at the academy",

"I know but, I have to ask you something very important", her cheerful aura was gone and replaced by a serious one.

"What is it?",

"I want to know if you'll give me permission to leave Konohagakure", he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Why's that?", she hopped off him.

"I want to know about my clan, no one knows anything about it so, I want to leave Konohagakure for a bit to look for answers!", he crouched down and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I know you want to find out about your clan but, don't you think your to young to go off by yourself?",

"Of course not. I lived by myself in isolation for almost 4 years by myself, I'll be alright if I go by myself but the old man said that someone will be with me on my journey. He says that you need to be fine with it though since you're my guardian or as I like to say, my father", she smiled at him while she said that. Y/n actually sees Kakashi, Guy, Asuma and Kurenei as her family but she's closest to Kakashi of course.

He looked straight into her eyes. He saw determination, excitement and a bit of worry. He knows that she really wants do this. He sighed and patted her head.

"Ok Y/n... you can go...", she gasped.

"R-Really? I can go!?", she looked as if she was about to cry. He did his usual closed eyed smile.

"Yes", she started to cry a bit and hugged him. "Are you start crying?",

"I'm not crying, you are!", she squeezed him tightly. "Thank you! Kashi-San! Thank you!", Riku came out of nowhere and landed on her head.

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