3 - hoes mad

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lesbian: WHAT THE HELL

peeltheavocado: yo yo homie joe take a calm


its✨mahic✨: what

praiseatua: hi yumeno!! :D

its✨mahic✨: it's 4 in the morning i'm trying to sleep and someone is screaming

praiseatua: don't worry, yumeno!! that's just the screams of everyone who's defied atua (^‿^✿)

cmonfuckmeemoboy: actually its kokichi

peeltheavocado: first name basis, i see you homie

lesbian: we couldn't care less about a degenerate

praiseatua: *you* couldn't care less. i'd like to see why ouma is being tortured :D

cmonfuckmeemoboy: i guess he was poking fun at harukawa again

panta=bae: and miUHEHJT

fleawaltz: oop he dead lmao

-cue body discovery announcement- (i think i'm funny)

stabbystabby: I'm surprised he hasn't come running to Saihara yet.

fleawaltz: maki!! :D

praiseatua: when did you discover emoticons >:0

peeltheavocado: she been usin 'em

peeltheavocado: hoes mad

the thing is

i think i'm funny

but i'm not

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