5 - a call

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this chapter is in real life :)

Ouma sat on his dorm floor, back against his bed. He was dreading something, but he didn't know exactly what it was. Probably something stupid.

He took out his phone, deciding to text Miu. (hey it's me here in this book miu and kokichi are kinda like buddies and uh i haven't played v3 but i know they like don't like each other lol)

He thought that texting someone will get his mind off things. Ouma would text Saihara usually, but he felt like Saihara wouldn't want to talk to him right now.

He wanted to talk to someone about how he felt, but even his own lies clouded him from the truth.

Incoming call from 'Shumai :D'

       Decline                                        Accept

Ouma didn't expect a call from anyone, *especially* Saihara. Guess Miu is gonna have to wait. Putting his worries away, he pressed accept.

"Kokichi! Hello. How are you?" Saihara spoke in an exciting tone.

"Oh, sorry, who's this?"

"Stop with your pranks for a minute." Saihara obviously saw through his statement.

"Jeez, okay."

"Anyway, wanna come to my dorm in about an hour? I'm inviting everyone over for a movie night." Saihara said, grabbing a pencil and writing something down, the noise barely audible to Ouma.

"Oh. How many people are coming so far?" Ouma was a bit disappointed. For some reason, he would rather be alone with Saihara.

"W-Well.." Saihara mentally cursed at himself for stuttering. "You're the first p-person i've called."

"That means i'm your favorite! Isn't that right, Shumai?"

"Y-Yeah, whatever. Are you coming?"

"Hmmm.. I don't knowww. I have an important date tonight." What he said was clearly a lie, but Saihara didn't see through this one.

"That's f-fine! I didn't expect everyone to be free t-tonight, anyway."

Ouma's expression dropped immediately. Trying to not worry Saihara, he kept up his 'happy' act. "That was a lie! Im totally free. But only for you, darlin'!" Why the fuck did I say that?

Saihara blushed at Ouma's comment. "O-Okay. Thank you, i'll go call the others."

With a few more words, they ended the call.

Ouma got up from the floor and decided to grab the paint set he got from Yonaga. He painted something, not really something detailed, more abstract.

With a sigh, he went back to messaging Miu.

sorry this chapter is boring lol, next chapter will also be real life then it'll be a chat again!

tell me if you want more real life chapters cause i'll do em if people like em :D

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