8 - go off sis

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this chat will take place the night at the end of last chapter
faggy waggies

sockman: i'm in love with shuichi

filthycumdumpster: yeah we know

fleawaltz: it's kinda obvious brosephine

filthycumdumpster: never say that again


praiseatua: *atua

SHSLMom: Everyone you need to go to bed. It is extremely late in the night. If Ouma wants to discuss what he said, he may do so in the morning. And whoever is screaming, could you tone it down?

bloob: sorry i'm just really excited

SHSLMom: Goodnight, everyone.

bloob: night mom!! :D

peeltheavocado: i'm late to this but ouma i think we all know

boiling: i know why you were late ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

cmonfuckmeemoboy: what're y'all doin

cmonfuckmeemoboy: screwin?

peeltheavocado: speak for yourself

cmonfuckmeemoboy: kokichi is sleeping

peeltheavocado: i was talking about your username but go off sis

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