12 - you all start tomorrow!

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thank you @wellh8der @nagitosgirlhand and @Byakuyas_airpods for some of the job ideas!!


faggy waggies

peeltheavocado: OKAY GUYS

peeltheavocado: I HAVE YALLS JOBS


praiseatua: oh my atua, this is so exciting!! (◕‿◕✿)

stabbystabby: Amami, Yonaga, could you tell us our jobs? Also, I have one question.

praiseatua: yeah, maki! shoot!

stabbystabby: To be frank, I was not expecting use of my first name.

praiseatua: oh my bad! atua says you dont mind tho :(

starstraightie: oop

stabbystabby: I suppose I don't mind, but anyways, my question was if Kaito and I would share jobs.

starstraightie: oo makiroll wants to share jobs with me!

stabbystabby: Do you want to die?

peeltheavocado: aight harukawa calm ye tits you and spacey man will share

sockman: can you list the jobs already? im bored

peeltheavocado: yeah yeah

ouma- pizza delivery
saihara- inspector
harukawa & momota- babysitters
tojo- maid
gokuhara & hoshi- zoo people
akamatsu- hot topic
iruma- gun shop
chabishira & yumeno- arby's
kiibo- you just watch lmao loser
angie & tsmoogs- fashion designers (a/n tsmoogs autocorrected to tampon)
me and kiyo- mcdonald's

praiseatua: thank you amami, and that is it! you all start tomorrow!


i didn't use all suggestions but uh yeah chapter of them working will be coming soon

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