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Tony and Novalyn both went back to school in August

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Tony and Novalyn both went back to school in August. Novalyn was in her third year of medical school, while Tony could have graduated MIT three years ago. He decided to stay and take more courses because there wasn't a reason not to.

Novalyn was always frazzled whenever she went to her classes because there was a heavy weight on her shoulders of whether or not she would be a good nurse.

The two messaged each other frequently whenever they could, but there was a rare time where both of them would be online at the same time.

She was forced to switch her rainbow jumpsuits for a t-shirt and jeans, as a professor once called her unprofessional in her freshman year of college.

During the summer, she stayed with her mother. When school started once more, she moved back in with her father because he lived in the city closest to her school.

She rarely saw her father because he was the typical busy businessman who preferred stocks and country clubs over spending time with his daughter. Novalyn didn't mind because he was paying for her tuition and he didn't bother her whenever he was home.

She was having a nice day. Her classes weren't too hard and there wasn't a major assignment just yet. She went through two iced coffees before returning back to her house and changing into pajamas.

Even though she had her daily dose of caffeine already, she still needed her daily dose of Tony Stark.

They were both legal adults with the heart and mind of teenagers who were still trying to find their spot and meaning of life. When they were together, it only made it easier to forget about the hard moments in their lives.

Opening up her flip phone, she sent a message to him and decided to get started on homework while she waited for him to answer.

It was a daily routine of theirs, and an unspoken agreement that they would always send a text to each other even if they were on the brink of passing out.

Their relationship was beginning to change. Their importance to each other was made more clear after having to part ways, and they needed each other in order to feel at home.

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