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Novalyn was driving Tony to go to her mother's farmhouse for the first time ever

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Novalyn was driving Tony to go to her mother's farmhouse for the first time ever. It had been a month since the news of her brain cancer and while things certainly weren't easier, Novalyn was attempting to have some sort of normalcy for as long as she could.

Her mother's condition wasn't horrendous, but it wasn't getting better. Her mother insisted on meeting Tony since he occupied most of Novalyn's time.

"I could have gotten someone to drive us," said Tony.

"We're going to my ma's farmhouse and we're going in my AMC Eagle."

He rolled his eyes. "You're gonna be eighty and still drive this car."

"Damn straight. Maybe I'll even pop out my kids in this car."

"That'll be a wild story for the kids," he added.

She smiled as she pulled up into the dirt driveway of her mother's farmhouse. "I'm all about the theatrics."

The two got out of the car and made their way to the porch. Novalyn and Tony were both wearing comfortable clothing that resembled pajamas. Her mother insisted on dressing comfortable since she planned a horror movie marathon. She loved horror movies, and since it was her house, it was her rules.

As soon as Novalyn knocked on the door, it opened and her mother brought her in for a hug.

"Love bug, ya kept me waitin' long 'nough. Yeesh. Ya must be Tony!" she exclaimed, dragging him in for a tight hug. "I'm Evelyn. She won't shut up 'bout ya."


"Oh, she won't, huh?" Tony questioned.

Novalyn rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Ma, ya feeding his ego, and it's big enough already."

"I take offense to that," he retorted.

"As you should," Novalyn replied.

Evelyn smiled as the two bickered with each other. The two naturally gravitated toward each other without realizing it. They had previously been on opposite sides of the porch, but we're now standing next to each other to the point where their shoulders brushed.

"I ordered pizza 'n it's sittin' on the counter. Ca-mon, kiddies," ushered Evelyn.

"Kiddies?" Tony questioned.

"Until we're thirty, we'll be kids to her," explained Novalyn. "Come on. I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry."

"You know what, Tony, suck my middle finger?" she retorted.

"I don't know where that finger's been," he muttered.

Evelyn sighed at the two. It was going to be a long night for all of them, but as long as she witnessed her daughter happy, she didn't mind.

 It was going to be a long night for all of them, but as long as she witnessed her daughter happy, she didn't mind

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